Defending The Blood

Good morning and Happy Friday. As we continue Defending in December based on Acts the 7th chapter I want to give you some insight of little about my family. I have grandparents that  are Wesley/Black heritage and Birdsong/Heard heritage. That means any one related to to either one of my grandparents, their sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, nieces and nephews I am related to. All over the United States and even in Puerto Rico I have family members. In states such as Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Texas, Ohio and Michigan I have family. I have not met all of my family in person but I have met some through social media and its like I have known them all my life. But in all families we may not agree or get along. But I can tell you one thing for sure. You let anyone mess with a person of Wesley/Black heritage or Birdsong/Heard heritage we all circle up and became as one big unit.We do this because we are all a family unit and we are related by blood. As a faith based person I will defend the blood of Christ with every ounce of my being. I an Defending the Blood.

As I get into the mix of the this blog I must start by letting you know the meaning of the word blood. As usual as in most times I go to to define the word blood. There are many meanings but for
I am going to focus on three meanings and thy are as follows; a temperament, a state of mind; a person or group who is regarded as a source of energy; the vital principle. life. Throughout the Word of God we see where these definitions abound. We a Christians so have Defending the Blood as our temperament. We as faith based people Defending the Blood know that the blood is a source of energy. And as we are Defending the Blood that the blood is life. In the next three paragraphs I am going to be Defending the Blood.

As I get into Defending the Blood I want to start in Exodus 12:1-31 where the blood of the lamb was used to have God passover the houses of the believers of him. The people of Israel needed a way out of the mess
that they were in. The blood was a cleaning agent of sorts to separate the people of Yahweh from the those who did not believe. In our everyday life our temperament or state of mind should be on Defending the Blood. In the area of education the Blood is needed to help our children. In the area of art and entertainment the Blood is needed to bring better television and movies to the viewing public. As I continue to say a small percentage of Americans are responsible for what we watch ( Nielson, a television ratings service just bought Arbitron, a radio rating service for 1billion dollars ) so we must find a way to get our message to the world. Since 73% of Americans are Christians it should be easy to Defend the Blood. Pray in schools is fine but how about classes on faith and trust. How about a television network supported by people of faith to spread the gospel of Christ. In Revelations 1:5 it speaks of us being washed from sins by Jesus Christ. I am Defending the Blood any way I can.

In my next example of Defending the Blood I look in the Word of God and go to the book of Ezekiel 33:1-11. In this passage God gives Ezekiel instructions as to what his responsibilities are to the people who don't
know God or have turned away from him. We as Christians are that group of people who have to be the source of energy for those who have turned their backs to God or who do not even believe. In the area of media there is a lot of energy needed to spread the gospel. In the area of government there is a lot energy needed to spread the gospel. In the area of business there is also energy needed to spread the gospel. We can be like Paul in Acts 17:19-21 where the people were excited to hear about Christ. In the social media you can be effective by blogging. My blog is read in many countries. In government I continue to urge you to email your elected official especially on a national level. We must support faith based business by financially supporting them or giving word of mouth. As Ezekiel was were are watchmen as well. I am Defending the Blood.

In my last example of Defending the Blood I go to the book of Matthew 26:27-28 and see where Jesus has charged that his blood is for the remission of not just the sins that I have committed but those of the entire
world. We as Christians are that vital principle, that life. I was on the bus and this young lady kept saying this young man was not bout that life. In the area of family we have to be bout that life. In the area of religion we have to bout that life. We must show the world that Christ is the answer, the blood is life. We have to show the our descendants how far God has brought us and where he can take them by having family nights that consist of talking among all not just in groups of men and women and young and old. We must do somethings outside the walls of the church to bring those into the life that we know is great in blessings and favor. In Revelations 19:13-14 we see where the Word of God is dipped in blood and a army is with him. I am Defending the Blood.
In closing the blood does so many things. It ; gives life to those who consume it (John 6:5 ), causes us to dwell in Christ and He in us (John 6:56), justifies us and saves us from wrath (Rom. 5:9), redeems us (Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19; Rev. 5:9), has obtained eternal redemption for us (Heb. 9:12), sanctifies us (Heb. 13:12), bears witness in the earth along with the Spirit and the water (1 John 5:8, KJV) and is the means by which we enter the most holy place with boldness (Heb. 10:19). We can affect the areas I mentioned as the blood is with us always.  I am Defending the Blood from this day forward. Please follow me @brandnewweek on twitter. I am a writer for I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I have a radio show called Brand New Week Brand New Attitude on Blog Talk Radio. To God I give all the glory. Join me for my next blog called Encouraging Words. Have a great weekend. Oh and Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!


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