We're Moving ( To the Camp of The Enemy )
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. The month of Move In January based on Genesis 12:1-3, Ezekiel 37:10-13 and Matthew 26:52-54 has me rather excited because at the place where I do security has given me an idea. In looking how they do business they just do not concentrate on what has made them number one with several of their products which most of us people of faith do. What they do to stay on top is to study how their competitors are doing things so that they are aware of any threat to their position. So while the competition is making a move they are two steps ahead and have a product or marketing plan to offset any losses by them or any gains by the competition. We as a people of God, Christians need to do this as well. Tine is out for being cool. A major move needs to be to reclaim, replenish and repair our troops. We're Moving. To the Camp of the Enemy!!!
So as We're Moving To the Camp of the Enemy we need to have clear objectives. For any move we make we have to expect counter moves by him. One objective is to reclaim which means to bring into
for cultivation. Another objective is to replenish which means to make full or complete again by supplying what is lacking. The last objective is to repair which means to restore to a good condition. Using Biblical examples in the next three paragraphs the time is now. We're Moving ( To the Camp of The Enemy ).
In looking at how We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ) to reclaim in the Word of God we look at 1st Samuel 27:1-7. In this passage David has fled from a place that is his home and went to
the camp of the enemy. Once there he was able to still do the work of the Lord and begin the cultivation of becoming King David during this time. We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy).
We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ) takes us in the Word of God to II Chronicles 14:9-15. In this passage King Asa was obedient to God and for that God replenished his army who were
outnumbered by the Ethiopians with men and chariots. King Asa allowed God to make complete by supplying what was lacking in men by trusting in God. We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ).
In the last example of We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ) stay in the Old Testament and go to Amos 7:10-17. In this
passage Amos is told that his words were not welcome. But Amos was filled with the Word of God and not even the king or Amaziah could make Amos stop from repairing the people in the land. Amos was responsible for restoring in good condition as we are. We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy.
In closing we as Christians have been laying back and laying low for too long. Our agenda is not on the same page and let's face facts we are losing the battle. A move to the camp of the enemy has been needed for a while. In Matthew 12:9-14 Jesus reclaimed what was God's by healing on the Sabbath. In Mark 7:24-29 Jesus replenishes a lost soul even though she was not from the chosen people. And in Luke 18:35-43 he repairs a mans vision. We will lose our youth unless we go to the Camp of the Enemy. We will lose our strongholds unless we go to the Camp of the Enemy. We will lose the war unless we go to the Camp of the Enemy. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all who read this. My heart is heavy for Bridgette Reed and her family on the passing of her Mother Mrs. Hattie B. Williams. May God provide them peace in this time of sorrow.
So as We're Moving To the Camp of the Enemy we need to have clear objectives. For any move we make we have to expect counter moves by him. One objective is to reclaim which means to bring into
for cultivation. Another objective is to replenish which means to make full or complete again by supplying what is lacking. The last objective is to repair which means to restore to a good condition. Using Biblical examples in the next three paragraphs the time is now. We're Moving ( To the Camp of The Enemy ).
In looking at how We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ) to reclaim in the Word of God we look at 1st Samuel 27:1-7. In this passage David has fled from a place that is his home and went to
the camp of the enemy. Once there he was able to still do the work of the Lord and begin the cultivation of becoming King David during this time. We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy).
We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ) takes us in the Word of God to II Chronicles 14:9-15. In this passage King Asa was obedient to God and for that God replenished his army who were
outnumbered by the Ethiopians with men and chariots. King Asa allowed God to make complete by supplying what was lacking in men by trusting in God. We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ).
In the last example of We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy ) stay in the Old Testament and go to Amos 7:10-17. In this
passage Amos is told that his words were not welcome. But Amos was filled with the Word of God and not even the king or Amaziah could make Amos stop from repairing the people in the land. Amos was responsible for restoring in good condition as we are. We're Moving ( To the Camp of the Enemy.
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