Defending Your Inheritance

Good morning and Happy Sunday. Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. Based on Acts the 7th chapter we are still Defending in December. As we come into the holiday week I want to tell a story. My Father, James A. Wesley, came from rural Mississippi. He was one of six brothers and one sister. Their parents did have much and at the time they were coming up their house did not have electricity or running water. They had to share crop on the land of someone who owned cotton which meant they had to share a percentage of whatever they picked with the landowner. According to my Dad my grandmother always had her relatives around as one my grandfather did not have much family around and even had one brother who had been sold into slavery. My Dad also told me that when him and his siblings walked places they had to hold hands and other families would laugh and mock them. What my Father and his siblings did not know at the time or even understand that although my grandfather was not rich he was giving them something. He was giving them a inheritance. As people of faith when our sins were washed away we gained an inheritance. So in spite of what is going on around me I am Defending My Inheritance.
So in getting into this blog I want to define what is an inheritance. In doing so I am going to go to my source of definitions. Yes that's right, is where I am going. Inheritance means as follows;
property at the owner's death to the heir; those who are entitled to succeed; and a legacy. My Grandfather when he was alive left his children not a physical property but gave them something to pass on to his descendant which was knowledge. My Grandfather gave his descendant's the will that in spite of none of the essentials that we need today such as water and electricity we are entitled to succeed. My Grandfather also left his descendants a legacy so that I can pass it on to my sons. In Defending My Inheritance I am going to look at three different areas in the Word of God at how certain people looked at the inheritance that God had given them and then match them to times of today.

As I am Defending My Inheritance I go to a point in the Bible to where people have been told to go inhabit the property at the owner's death but still are hesitant. I want you all to look at Joshua 18::2-3.
The people have already been told by God to go get your property ( Deuteronomy 1:8 ) but you have 7 tribes which are sitting around doing nothing. How many years and times have we not went to go get our property that has been promised by God. The areas of education and government is our property. We ( myself included ) are sitting around and letting the world dictate ( the enemy actually ) what is going to happen. The Newtown shootings are an example of this. I would love prayer back in schools but there can be more than prayer. There has to be a commitment by the educators to care to pass property along like wisdom, knowledge and respect of others to out children. Sure tougher gun laws are needed but we cannot continue to rubber stamp a government and expect them to do anything ( my congressman won a election in the hospital under investigation and then resigned ). Educate yourself on your government and then you can properly govern your education.

In my second example from the Word of God I look in the Book of Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 32:6-23 the prophet hears a a word from God and immediately acts. Although the land that God has promised his
is being taken over by the Assyrians God has Jeremiah buy land to show the the doubters that God intends to give the land back to the people of God. We  the people of God today are entitled to succeed. We can look at social media as a way to communicate the message of God. We can look at arts and entertainment as a way to to spread the gospel of Christ. We can have businesses that are spirit led and they can be successful. We are entitled to succeed so that blog about faith you want o write will be blessed. That play, television show or one person poetry show will work because it is entitled to succeed. That business that God sent you to may not be all hat now but being entitled to succeed God will sustain it. The people of Israel got their inheritance back. So shall we continue to Defend Your Inheritance.

In my last example of Defending Your Inheritance I want to look at the man who came her to cleanse our sins. See when he came he was bringing something that each and every one of can have and that is
a legacy. In Matthew 25:31:40 Jesus has answered a question that was asked in Matthew 24:3. He then breaks in down on how to pass on your legacy and that is by working and serving God. We as the people of God must pass on our legacy to our families. If we know what a mighty God we serve then its our responsibility to have our families know as well. If they refuse to attend services then let the take God to them. Let them see how you have been blessed and give them the formula so they can be blessed. We must pass on our legacy in our religion. We must never forget the old but we must add some new things as well to have the infusion of youth that is much needed. Jesus was 33 when he started teaching, young compared to the Rabboni's ( Master Teachers ) of that time. The youth can teach us as well and need their voices heard as well. This how you extend your legacy and a way of Defending your Inheritance.

In closing the Defending Your Inheritance is very important. We must stop the enemy as he attempts to take our youth, make things hard for all of us, have us forget that we have seniors who have know one to come visit them, people who are afflicted with disease. We the people of God our heirs to the throne of God. Just this year the moves of God has been so awesome that I had to tell others about what has happened in my life. It is my job to pass on the properties of God, to let others know that we are entitled to succeed, to pass on a legacy. It is my job to continue Defending My Inheritance. To God I give all the glory and honor. I am a writer for I am on Facebook encouraging people with a scriptural base everyday. In 2013 I will resume my blogtalk radio show called Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. And I will be more active on twitter @brandnewweek. Join me next Friday for my blog called Encouraging Words. Have a blessed week. Merry Christmas all.


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