Holier Than Thou ( Jesus is Calling You Out)

Good morning and Happy Saturday. As we continue in the month of I Am Calling You Out In November based on 1st Samuel 13:13-15, Matthew 23:25-30 and Hebrews 2:1-4 back when I was younger there were a group of teens that I hung out with at the church I attended. We came from the best families in the church and we knew that almost anything we asked our parents for we would get. There were a few teens in our church that did not have the things that we did. Their parents or parent may not have the resources our parents had and we would tease them because of that. We knew that God blesses us better than them because our parents paid more tithes, had the best positions in the church and had the prime positions in every position in the church. God blessed us more so we are definitely going to heaven. We did not know at the time that we were acting Holier Than Thou ( Jesus is Calling You Out).
Many of the people of God today have gotten to that place in their salvation that we forgot that we used to be a certain kind of way. I myself place judgment on my sons as if I forgot about way I used
sleep with almost everybody and do drugs daily. I had placed myself on a pedestal because of my relationship with God and was acting Holier Than Thou ( Jesus is Calling You Out). This teaching will be coming from the 2nd base scripture of the month, Matthew 23:25-30.
In beginning in the Word of God for this teaching of Holier Than Thou I start in Matthew 23:25-26. In these verses Jesus is telling the scribes and Pharisees that they are worried about their outward
appearance to the world instead of being a true child of God that only comes from the inside. Some of  us are concerned with how better we look rather be like God. That is being Holier Than Thou.
In continuing in the Word of God for the teaching of Holier Than Thou I go to Matthew 23:27-28. In these verses Jesus is still teaching on how the scribes and Pharisees want to have that look of being
all that on the outside but once again the inside is full of lawlessness and phoniness. You would think
that kind of thing would not be going on today in our churches but it does. Some are acting Holier Than Thou.
As I come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Holier Than Thou I go Matthew 23:29-20. In these verses speaks of how the scribes and Pharisees speak how the would have treated
differently the prophets of old if they had a chance. Today we see those who treat the speakers of the Word of God better than the person who actually needs a helping hand. Holier Than Thou.
In closing we have to discern the difference of being nearer to God and being Holier Than Thou. We drive away those who may want to be in the body of Christ by acting like we are the head of everything. Inclusion means to include everyone. I had to Call Myself Out About. For I have thought since I God has turned my life around that everyone else should as well. For those who are Holier Than Thou, Jesus is Calling You Out. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please join me Monday for my teaching called Peron of Interest. And if you can please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for my teaching called School Daze. May God bless each and every one.


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