
Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we begin this week. The interest in the church of today is waning. In looking at some of the studies done there are many who do not even want to be part of any religion. "The United States has seen a surge in people who claim no adherence to a religion, who are often called nones"Pullman (2019). As I went to the home-going services for my grandmother and after a long tiresome trip on the Megabus I was excited to see my Dad and Mom, especially my Mom who's Mother had just passed. After my son picked me up at the bus station and I entered my parents house I saw my dad, a family member and a friend of the family, the friend of the family proceeded to accuse me and my generation as being the reason that the church of today has failed. My generation has been Impeached.
As we begin this teaching let me define the word impeach. In defining the word Impeach I go to Impeach means as follows; to bring an accusation against, to call into question,
to challenge the credibility of. My generation has had an accusation brought against it that calls into question our commitment to advancing the Kingdom of God and to some we have a lack of credibility. The next three sections will look at the Word of God for this teaching of Impeached.
As I begin this teaching of Impeached I go to the Word of God and to Deuteronomy 32:51-52. In these verses it tells of Moses as faithful of a servant of God as there was, has an accusation that will
prevent him from getting to the promise land. I cannot speak for my entire generation but I was made to go to church all of my younger years and when I old enough to make my own decisions I wanted to be free of that. But for some that would be reasons for me and my generation to be impeached.

As we continue this teaching of Impeached I go back to the Word of God and to 1st Kings 1-6. These verses shows that even Solomon, whom God gave riches and wisdom in abundance to, in his older
years, dies doing evil in the sight of the Lord. For many of my generation we have been called into question about the lifestyles that we chose to live after we were able to leave our mandatory requirements after we left our parents house. Impeached.
In coming to the conclusion of this teaching of Impeached I go to the Word of God one last time and to John 18:25-27. In these verses Peter who had been down with Christ since day one lack cred when
when he said he did not know Christ. For most of my generation being a man or woman of God lack credibility in the eyes of the streets we wanted to be a part of so bad because life looked better. Impeached.

As we come to the end of this teaching it could be that my generation has failed the church. There are many of us who have been accused of doing that. There were things that we may not have liked such as being made to go to church, being sheltered about things such as sex and having to stay at church all day. The church could call into question our opinions of tithing, helping the church financially and even going to the streets to witness as our parents did. And now that some of us have come back to God we lack the credibility as we are always looked upon as the people who failed the church. Impeached. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching.

Pullman, J. (2019) Is It Baby Boomers’ Fault Millennials Are Leaving Religion And Less Likely To Go Back? Retrieved from


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