Defending Your Year

Good morning and Happy Sunday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we finish the month of Defending in December based on Acts the 7th chapter in the year of This Is Our/Your year I wanted to think about some of the things that did not happen this year. My business the Repair Shop, that was supposed to get off the ground this year and would have reunited Fathers with their children did not happen. My first book I Slept with the Choir did not have booming sales. My second book called I Slept With the Choir Again which was supposed to be finished is only ten chapters deep. I have grandchildren who I have only seen maybe twice. I have lost my vehicle to engine problems and am now riding the bus. I was out of work for about two months. I have not seen my parents as much as I liked. I lived in a house with no running water or heat for four months of this year. And finally my blog which used to be read by an average of 35 people per blog has now went down to about 15 per week. But in spite of that I celebrate the fact that I still am alive and have a chance to do some things I did not do and even do some greater things. I had a great year where most would see as a failure. I am Defending My Year and you should as well.

As I am Defending My Year I am so happy about what I did achieve. I was able to move into  apartment after being in a place that was not fit for any one to live in. I was able to not only find one job but held two
jobs until I was able to finally work the one job that had been promised to me. My book was published which was an accomplishment in itself. I was excited to learn I was a grandparent. I am ten chapters into my new book and I am doing a radio show. I have wrote over 60 blogs and had over 2300 views of them. I graduated from Teachers Training Courses and now I can teach Sunday School and teach outside the four walls of the church with this bog and other social media avenues. I finally started tithing 3 weeks ago and have the best relationship with my family that I have ever had. I encourage people on Facebook daily and have one person who I encouraged daily the entire year and 5 more who I have picked up throughout the year who get encouraged. My sons. Marvell and Marcus are well and my friend Ms. Angela L. Francis and her twins Tremaine and Tamesha are well. My blog is read in over 8 countries. And even though death has took some people away I am still Defending My Year. I am going to look at 3 examples in the Word of God where I know that whatever year that there were in they had a great year. /
I love the Word of God because there are so many examples of people having a great year. One of the best ways to have a great year is to trust in God no matter what. In the Word of God I want to go to one who
had to trust him. That would be the prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 1:4-10 the prophet had a great year when he heard the voice of the Lord speak to him. God had his assignment already awaiting him for him and he had to trust God because the message he had for the people was one that they did not want to here. We as people of faith have a message that the people may not want to hear but it our assignment to tell that message. The best part about it is that God will put the words in our mouths. As Jeremiah had a great year when he heard his assignment I am Defending My Year as I continue to walk in the assignment that God has for me.

In my second example in the Word of God I look at some one else who had a great year. I go the Book Of  Isaiah 61:1-7. When I began writing this three days ago my thoughts were on a whole other passage of the
Bible but this passage jumped out at me. In the first verse Isaiah had a great year when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. I have never had the Holy Spirit come upon me where I ran down the aisle proclaiming my love for God but that is not how Holy Spirit works in me. I had a great year when I questioned whether I was called to teach and the Holy Spirit came upon me and gave me my answer. I had the Holy Spirit come over me as I was being pray over by the Prophetic ministry as I fought that what they were doing was actually going to help me. Holy Spirit works differently with all. So anytime the Holy Spirit is present in your life, even if you tap into him on this day, the 364 day of the year, you have had a great year. A year that no one can take away from you. A year of being in the spirit, for the spirit and with the spirit. As I have let the Holy Spirit guide me the things that I went through that would have made most people ask God why and even curse him made me that much stronger and want to inspire a generation that may not know him. I am Defending My Year.

In last example of Defending My Year I go the base chapter for this month and pick out one scripture to show that although he may not have known it he was on the verge of something greater as the people placed
their coats at his feet. I go to Acts 7:58 where the crowd who were killing Stephen placed their coats for Saul to watch. Saul could not have known that his support of the crowd at that time placed him in a position to become a one of the cornerstones of spreading the Word of God to the Gentiles, which are us who are not of Jewish descent. Many times we thought as the problems, issues and disasters were place at our feet for us to watch would never go away. But as always God has a plan because as Saul became Paul we can become greater if we maintain a positive outlook on things. I am Defending My Year.
In closing you are always going to have a good year when God is involved with any and every decision you make. You are never going to make that one person, if they be friend or foe happy. But today I want you to bask in everything that you see when you look at yourself, your hearing as you continue to think positive thoughts about yourself and to give yourself a pat on the back and a hug. You made it in spite of and because of. God is so good. I see nothing but Champions as I look out in the world. I shall continue on this path as long as God sees fit. I am a writer for and the release is coming soon. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. And my radio show will be back in full effect in 2013 ad the show is on blogtalk radio called Brand New Week, Brand New Attitude. Once again congrats on a great year. Bring in 2013 safely. Love you. Join me for next blog for the word for the year and the theme for the month. Love you all.


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