
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As I was in grammar school in Chicago which was grade Kindergarten thru 8th grade everything was fine. Even though I had some struggles in 7th grade I pulled it together and finally made it to 8th grade. In the Chicago Public School System in order to graduate from 8th grade you had to complete your mandatory courses like English and Math but you also had to have knowledge and pass a test about the Constitution of the United States of America. This test was not an easy test but it taught about how our forefathers of this country wrote a document that is the supreme for how we Americans can and should live lawfully.  In 1791 the adopted the Bill of Rights which are ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. In all there are 27 amendments to the Constitution. As I was studying to pass the Constitution I was struggling to fit in at home. My parents were the supreme rule in our house and God was the overseer. He was part of me then but I wanted to be part of his life and the world. So without thinking or knowing what I was doing I was making my own Amendments and defending my choices.

In looking up the word amendment I go to my trusty place I look up definitions and see that amendments has many meanings but for the purpose of this particular blog I am only going to use the first one that I see. It
means as follows; an alteration to a motion, bill or Constitution. Many times in our lives we know the difference between right and wrong. Even in the Word of God he has given us laws that we should abide by in the Ten Commandments ( Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:4-21 ). But most times we want to live according to our own personal amendments so we can justify our sinful ways. I am guilty of this even today. I want to amend how I do things so I motion to do things how and when I want them with out any regard to the Word of God. I see things that I want so I create my own bill so that my amendments seem to be what God wants really from me. I then go ahead and write my own supreme laws so that what I am doing is right in my eyes but not right in the eyes of God. In this blog I will look at three people who did one of these things. Motioned, wrote their own bill or created their own supreme laws.

As I begin in the area of a motion I could go to many places in the Word of God and find motions of the people towards God. In this paragraph I am going to the Book of Numbers 20:1-12. In this passage the
the chosen people have just buried Miriam the wife of Moses in Kadesh. As they are still in the wilderness some people would rather go back to back breaking slave labor rather than be free and starving and thirsty. This could be the picture of many of us today as rather trust in God we chose to trust in man. But the people of Israel had someone who had a real connection with God in Moses. So when Moses goes to God along with Aaron ( verses 6-8 ) and ask God for a motion to help the people. God answers Moses and grants his motion but then acts and though he was the one who was able to produce the water on his own ( verse 9-11 ). This was a bad motion on Moses part because of this motion he would not be able to see the promise land. That was luck, a rabbits ear, the horoscope told me or I have a four leaf clover connected to me. When I say things or believe in things of this nature I have presented a motion for myself and let God out. If I continue that I will never see the promise land.

In my next example I go to the Word of God to show how a person wrote a bill without seeking God first. In this example I go to 2nd Kings 11:1 where we see how Queen Athalia saw an opportunity to seize power
and wrote her own bill. She decided after her son Ahaziah died as king she would do any thing possible to keep her throne even  if that meant killing innocent people. I cannot even began that things that were flashy and expensive and of luxury I wanted to have. I would kill a persons reputation, their dreams, their goals and any other negative thing because I wanted what they had. It was that way for a long time and at times I even succeeded and had a crown upon my own head. Real talk I used to call myself the King of Riverdale. But God has a way to humble us and make our bills null and void. As we continue in this passage we can go to verse 16 ( verses 2-15 feel free to read ) and see even as she was a in control her power was taken totally away from her. As a non believer and a believer we cannot afford to be writing our own bills.

In my next and last paragraph I look at a person who tried to make his laws supreme over what God had wanted. I go to the Acts the 12th chapter and look at Herod the king. In verse 1-3 he did something that
pleased the Jews, he killed James who was John's brother. As we continue to read we see he has taken Peter to have him killed as well ( verses 3-4 ). But as we read on Peter eventually is freed by God ( verses 5-19 ). See Herod thought he was the supreme law but he was not. The key here is in verse 5 that the church never stopped praying. That has to be a constant in your life. We must pray without ceasing for the world to change. God changes things in a instant and then sometimes we have to be patient but he does change things. Even though Herod the king could not kill Peter he still was full of himself so he went to where people would appreciate his message, those who his country fed, and took there adoration of him being a god to heart ( verses 20-22 ). God was displeased and took his life in verse 23. But the Word of God continued to grow. There is only one supreme law and that is God.
In closing we can amend some of things that is going on in the world today. We can put pressure on our elected officials about allowing prayer back in schools, funding education, helping veterans find jobs, helping the youth and seniors, allowing more faith based public television programs, by emailing these elected officials. As I said most of us do not even know who are elected officials are. A email to them will see that someone besides those who helped them financially get in office actually hold them accountable. We must make amendments as people of faith to make the world better. In 1st Kings 8:57 and Romans 8:31 tells us that God is with us and we have no worries in the world. To God be the glory and honor. I am a writer for I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley giving daily encouragement. Twitter @brandnewweek. I am also on blog talk radio which will resume next week with my show called Brand new week, Brand new attitude. I know it says Monday in the beginning but that was when it was supposed to be published. Look forward to my next blog called Defending your High Places. Have a great day.


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