Since I been Loving You

Good morning and Happy Friday. Back in 1976 I met the most beautiful teen in the whole wide world. We met each other at church and did mostly everything together. Although I had already had a couple of girlfriends ( my first girlfriend was a Cynthia Brown on 18th and Avers ) before 1976 this young woman was the apple of my eye. She was very beautiful and also outgoing. She brought out some of the things in me that I thought I did not have and I did so with her as well. I really liked going to Second Mt. Vernon because I knew she would be at Sunday School, Sunday Services, 3:30 services, BTU, Vacation Bible school and any other service we would have. When the church sold dinners I would eat the one that she cooked. We talked on the phone for hours. We were in love. We wanted to get married. We wanted to make love and at age 13 we wanted to start a family. We would do anything we could to see each other. But with all of this love that we shared with each other we forgot about the things that were important. I struggled in things that I excelled in. I may have loved the young lady but there was some one else that had me going. It was Satan. And since I had been loving him I was losing my mind.
I  was doing everything and just about anything. It was not like I was worshipping outwardly by wearing all Black or putting horns on top of my head but I did not matter as I did his dirty work proudly for him. He had to be proud of me as I did his work so I knew he loved me back. I recruited other members of my family, my peers, my classmates and even strangers. In Genesis 3:1 it explains how he easily got into my life without me even knowing. I loved the gangbanger life. I loved to shoot dice. I loved to drink. I loved to smoke cigarettes. I loved to smoke weed. I loved to deceive. After me and the young lady broke up I then loved to wallow in self pity as I thought there would be no else for me. I loved to not listen to my parents and even though I would get a beat down I would love to disrespect them. As you read this you have to wonder what kind of love is this and I agree it was crazy love. But when the enemy gets into your life you forget all things that are right and do all the things you know are wrong but want to fit in with the crowd but or worse yet you let the crowd dictate to you what you should be. I had everything that the world could offer. The love of friends. The love of fame. The love of women. But then one day it all stopped and I wondered where all my friends, fame and money went. As he always does Satan had me already me so he went to loving some one else.

So as after all I had done for him I was just out there by myself. I had to humble myself and ask God for to come in and rectify the situation. But just because he forgave me does not mean that I had a clean slate. I had to pay the price for the things that I had done. In 1st Kings 11:1-13 Solomon who was wise and revered stopped loving God and lost half of his kingdom for his heirs. In Amos 4:6-13 God has made the land barren for those who stopped loving him. And finally in Micah 6:10-16 God is showing his anger as we follow what man has for us but we forsake him. See I had to suffer in my finances to see that I should have done more to educate myself about God. I had to pay a price in my life for forgetting my family. I had to see things taken away from me like employment to hear what God wanted me to do in social media and encourage people. I had to see that the enemy when he stopped loving me was a way for God to come in and show me ways to help out in the area of religion where I had been a hindrance before. God shows his love each day. Although I had to reap what I had sown and continue to do so God is still came in and blessed me with things.

So as we all have sinned and come short and  stopped loving on God he still gave us the best thing ever. His Son to come in and remove our sins ( John 3:16 ). Now since I have been loving on God things in my life are changing daily and I can see where God is moving and shaking things up in my life. This past Sunday I taught my first Sunday School class. Yes the one who used to be the devil's advocate. But now God is using me in the area of education, family, social media, and religion. If you love on the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit they will love on you as well. As a matter of fact since the beginning of time they have loved on us. Have a great weekend. Follow me on twitter @brandnewfwes. I am also on thegeekchicmag. Blogtalk radio show called Brand new week Brand new attitude and my new book I Slept with the Choir is available on Join me Monday for my blog called Authority Figure.


  1. Brother Fred I love your perseverance and commitment to your daily FB posting and weekly blogs. I have read that we are not saved by our works. Then I found that we are rewarded with a crown for our diligence and works. Continue telling others of the everlasting love! Tell them of the love that is always there even when we don’t and won’t see it. God loves us and through Jesus Christ we are proven Loved. A Love that is always there and available; confess with your mouth and believe in your heart.

    Satan does not love, he came to deceive, kill and destroy. He is a liar.

    I like the picture of the lighthouse. Jesus was the light of the world when he was here. Now others should see God’s light in us. The world will know us by our Love. Thanks you have giving us another thoughtful posting,while earning your crown.

    **Proof your writing –Errors cause confusion in your meanings at times. **


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