Extreme Makeover ( Family Edition )
Good morning and Happy Friday. One of the most thought provoking blog and even Facebook posting is the How Do You View You blog and Facebook posting. It makes a person look on the inside and outside of who and what they are. But not many people are happy with how they look outside and even less with the inside as they think they have no personality or even spirit. One thing that people who I have worked with, and you see I said people I work with, is that they see I have high energy. I shouted down the hallways of Thornridge High School, greeted people as they drove by on Roosevelt and Jefferson, bellowed good morning or said brand new week, brand new attitude or said great job today to people who walked thru or worked at 175 W. Jackson and even told strangers on the street or cashiers in stores that they are great at the job that they do. But as I look at those example of things that I never told any one in my family, close friends, people I know personally that they have done a great job. How can I call myself, an encourager and/or motivator if I do not take of that. So today is Extreme Makeover. Family Edition.
You know sometimes we look at coworkers and acquaintances better than we look at our own blood. I did that for many years. In my convenience it was cool to want to contact my parents. When I needed my sisters or brother I could not wait or did not stop calling them. When things were going to the wayside and my parents have moved back to Sardis Mississipi I called on each and every member of the Wesley/Black or Birdsong/Heard family that lived in the Chicago area because I had not been to any family functions and had only be in contact with the ones in this area although I have people in Atlanta, Mississippi, Michigan, Ohio and Texas just to name a few. It is not like I did not know them but I showed strangers more love than my blood. I was the one who did wrong so I was the one who parted myself and made myself an outcast. My Father just recently shared a story with me about a guy raking his leaves for 25.00 dollars while my sons charged him 100.00 while I have not raked a single leave as he has lived down there for ten years or more and I have been once. And it may have been longer. There is a disconnect there. We all have that family member or members, friends or coworker, church member that have done us wrong or we may have done them wrong. It may not be a easy way or fix for this. So today let us do an extreme makeover.

There are many different ways that we can start to begin a extreme makeover with our people who we love. First let us look at the definition of extreme. Extreme according to Dictionary.com can be used as noun meaning; the furthest and utmost length, an excessive length, beyond the ordinary, or as an adjective meaning; exceedingly great in degree. And makeover means remolding, renovation and restoration.So if we are to love our family in spite of it has to be beyond ordinary in length restoration and remodeling.
You know sometimes we look at coworkers and acquaintances better than we look at our own blood. I did that for many years. In my convenience it was cool to want to contact my parents. When I needed my sisters or brother I could not wait or did not stop calling them. When things were going to the wayside and my parents have moved back to Sardis Mississipi I called on each and every member of the Wesley/Black or Birdsong/Heard family that lived in the Chicago area because I had not been to any family functions and had only be in contact with the ones in this area although I have people in Atlanta, Mississippi, Michigan, Ohio and Texas just to name a few. It is not like I did not know them but I showed strangers more love than my blood. I was the one who did wrong so I was the one who parted myself and made myself an outcast. My Father just recently shared a story with me about a guy raking his leaves for 25.00 dollars while my sons charged him 100.00 while I have not raked a single leave as he has lived down there for ten years or more and I have been once. And it may have been longer. There is a disconnect there. We all have that family member or members, friends or coworker, church member that have done us wrong or we may have done them wrong. It may not be a easy way or fix for this. So today let us do an extreme makeover.

We can start by a simple hug and saying I am sorry. This Mother and daughter thought that screaming at each other was the answer and that is what they did until they had an extreme makeover. In Genesis 33:1-4 Esau embraces his brother Jacob. Even though God had given him the command to go home Jacob was afraid. How many times has God asked to forgive blood and we do not but we ask him to cover us with the blood of Jesus. Extreme makeover. In the second picture is Jared of Subway fame. He lost a lot of weight so he could look better. In Job 1:6-21 Job lost even more weight as his family had been lost as well as his wealth but he did not blame God foolishly. We have to accept the things that happen in our lives no matter how bad. Extreme makeover. The last picture shows to fighters hugging after battling. They both wanted the same thing but only one walked away with the victory. In Luke 10:25-37 Jesus talks about how others walk past and could have done the same thing the Samaritan done but did not. The Jews and Samaritans did not get along so he was telling them in a parable about how a enemy can show more compassion than those who are your blood. This has to change. Extreme makeover. Family Edition.
In John 13:31-35 Jesus gave a new commandment and that we love one another. So to all of my family members, I LOVE YOU. For we are blood. For all of you who read this blog, I LOVE YOU as well. I believe if we exhibit love to those we are related to then it should be no problem telling your cousin who you cannot stand or that brother that gets on your nerve or that Father who did not participate in your life that you love them. Extreme makeover. Family Edition. Follow me on twitter @brandnewfwes. On Facebook you can friend me. I still have blogtalk radio show called Brand new week. Brand new attitude radio and am a writer for the still to be launched thegeekchicmag.com. Tune in Monday for How can I move the Crowd. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks RJ. I followed your advice.
Excellent point and reminder that there is nothing like family and it is never too late to mend a bridge that is in disrepair or even gone!!