Authority Figure

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As I woke up this morning I was in a great mood. My family is doing well. My friend and I are doing well. And I just taught my second Sunday School Class and it involves challenge and I am going to make sure my team wins ( Team Holy Warriors ). So as I step out of the house and I am driving my friend's vehicle I make a right turn and I here a siren behind me. I first wonder if I had done a traffic violation, a rolling stop is what I actually done, and if the officer had saw me. Much to my relief it was an ambulance instead. I pulled to side and then I hear the ambulance driver call over the loud speaker to step out of the car. I am stunned but I actually obey his command. He informs me that I performed a rolling stop, I did and that he wanted to see my license and registration. I am confused but I hand the Ambulance driver what he asked for. The ambulance driver then proceeds to write me a ticket for not only the rolling stop but also a non-functioning taillight. I accepted what he said. I never once questioned if he had the authority to do this. Now what I just wrote actually never happened but how many times have we have had people run portions or all of our lives and they had no authority.

Many times in our lives we let people decide what we watch, what we eat and how we feel. In America we have a population of over 300,000,000 million people ( 2011 U.S. Census has it at 311,591,917 )  but the authority of what is dictated is small. The people who decide what we watch on television is 25,000 people who with the help of a company called Nielsen decide what shows that people watch. The 25,000 people represent a percentage of .00008% of the population of America. Now in the months that is really important to advertising ( February and November ) they send out diaries to 1.6 million people to rate the televisions shows that they watch ( Network TV, cable and satelite use their boxes to get rating numbers ) and send them back to Nielsen to determine whic is successful and which are not. The 1.6 million represent .0005% of the country. Less than 1% of the country decides what we watch. The same people actually decide what we eat because the biggest advertisers are either food companies or beverage comapnies. The same people can dictate how we feel because of the content of shows that we watch. How many shows are sex based or money based or fame based. There has been few if any faith based shows. For too many years the people at Nielsen have been an authority figure in our lives. It is time for a change. It is time to see who is the real authority figure is. It is time we turn it around.

As I look up the word authority in it means; the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settles disputes or issues, the right to control or command. I then look up the word figure; a character or personage, especially one of distinction, movement, representaion pictorial or sculpted of the human form. As Christians we have the power to determine and the right to control the character that we see in the areas of family, religion, education, business, government, media, arts and entertainment. As Christians we have to command distinction and representation of these areas as well. And as Christians we should be settling disputes or issue in movements that advance the kingdom of God. Our authority figures should not be Simon Cowell. It should be someone like Joshua ( Numbers 14:6-10 ) who along with Caleb wanted affect a change and take over a land that God had promised them. Our authority figure should not be Donald Trump. It should be someone like Isaiah who in hard times said he will go even though he was not ready ( Isaiah 6:5-8 ). Our authority figure should not be Dr. Phil. It shoud be Jesus of Nazareth who gave power to all on earth to do special things. Luke ( 9:1-6 ). We can turn this around. We just to do it.
Ok so if we are going to change how we are educated, what we see in the arts and entertainment, what the media reports, how we portray family values, how to support our businesses, how to elect people of faith to government offices, and improve the state of religion we just have to do it. Please write your congressmen. Send emails to the networks. Do not support print media that does not have the best interest of the faith based community at heart. Support the faith based businesses. Do not look at shows that does not have family values ( Is there Christian based programming on the internet? ) Let us get pray back into the school system. Less than 1% of the country should not decide the arts and entertainmnet of this country. When I was growing up they called televsion the idiot box. It is time we use it for information and entertainment. We are the authority figure. In 1st Timothy 2:1-8 it tells on how we should use the authority that was given to us after Jesus died for our sins. God, Jesus and Holy Spirt are our only authority. Let's do it. Turn it around. Have a great week. You can follow me on twitter @brandnewfwes. On facebook as I am Frederick Wesley. I write for thegeekchicmag as well. And I have my book on sale now, I Slept with the Choir on Check out my radio show called Brand new week. Brand new radio. This week show archived is called Keep walking. Join me Friday for my blog called Laughing at you.


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