How Can I Move The Crowd

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. When I first started going to Valley Kingdom Ministries I did so as Security Officer working the parking lot detail for a security company. I would only go inside to use the bathroom and would never inquire about what was going on inside. I always spoke to one of the Praise and Worship leaders as she walked out ( Angie ) and called her the songstress as she left after singing. But my responsiblity was to make sure that we (  the two other people from the security company ), had to make sure that the area for Apostle Wilson was free of any cars but also direct traffic as they came in and even left the church grounds. This was the easy part of the detail. The hardest part always came when church had let out and all the worshippers were done and on their way home from services. We now not only had to direct traffic but not we had to move the crowd as they came out and traffic flowed. Some days we looked at each other as asked this question. How can we move the crowd.
In Biblical times the were many ways to move the crowd. When the Egyptians had the people of Israel in bondage (Exodus 1:8-14 ) they were reluctant to move the crowd as the work the slaves were doing, the Isaraelites, they would have to now do. So they did not want to move the crowd because it was to their advantage. A little further dowm in the Bible we see that Jeremiah tried to move the crowd ( Jeremiah 38:14-26 ) so King Zedekiah and others would live but the king refused to budge because he was scared or his own people. And finally Ezekiel would move the crowd (  Ezekiel 37:1-14 ) as God told him to do so. In each case circumstances could have gone the other way if they did not act or the people had listened to them. As I stated earlier I had to help move the crowd as they left the church building. My question to myself is how can I move the crowd once I leave the church because this is the area that things need not only need to be moved but replaced with some positive things and fresh ideas.

So you are probably asking yourself what can I do to move the crowd. I cannot so anything or am scared of the gangbangers that bring drugs in our hoods and crimes to our streets. We get comfortable as the unemployment lines get longer and longer but we are good in our homes while others around us and in our home and church are hurting. We look at the eduucation area and tell ourselves there is no way we can

move things in the area of education as the children refuse to listen to us but will listen to whatever the see on the internet, smart phones and television. But if we sit on our hands and do nothing then nothing will be done. James wrote that faith without works is dead ( James 2:20 ). So we must move out the criminal element that has taken our young leaders away from us like Jamail Seay or that has Kiyon Jackson in the hospital and their is no one in custody as far as Jamail's case. We must move the crowd that a job is beneath their standards and that any income is better than none. We must move the crowd in the critical area of education where they can see that they need ti get a college degree. The WORST perception we have is that a street education that is not even degreed or recognized is more than a college degree. SERIOUSLY. I was one who thought that as my family had much better jobs, than me and even their spouses/significant others are balling ( Gabrielle I am proud of you ). We must change the attitude of the crowd and take back what belongs to us. We must move the crowd.
In Revelations 15:2-4 it speaks of victory over the enemy. With the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit at our backs we can move the crowd. We must have fear of those who think they own the hood but do not own any property. Get on the police department to solve cases and make arrest. To do their job. Get involved when new businesses open in your area so we can get jobs in our hoods so it would be a chance for those who may gangs as the only way out a chance to see you are qualified for a job. When was the last time you wrote your congressman, U.S. or State Congressman and told him your situation or how the education system, and not talking about the ones in the trenches, is jacked up. If they do not hear from us then they do not recognize us. I told some one yesterday ( Hey Jenn ) that in order to get ahead that sometimes we fall behind. Let us not so this any more. For real. The question is not how came I move the crowd but how much further can we change the hood, the employment situation and the education system. Proud of you all. You can follow me on twitter @brandnewfwes. On Facebook I use my whole name Frederick Wesley. I have a radio show called Brand new week. Brand new attitude. And I am also a writer for Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. Join me Friday for my blog called Let the Rain come down. Have a blessed week.


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