For Such a Time Such As This (Theme for the month)

Good morning and Happy Sunday. Brand new month. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. We began this yeat by making our lives Drama Free in January and Renewed in February. We began Onboarding in March and in April we petitioned God to Hear Our Prayers. In the month of June we basked in the Evidence of Our Faith and then we began an Integration in July. We also had  Foreseeability in August and Breach of Contract in September. In October we celebrated that we were Champions (Still) based on Judges 1:2-4, Matthew 21:9-11 and 1st Corinthians 2:10-12. So now there only 60 days left in the year and we have come to the point that all we have went through has now made us stronger and prepared to lead the world into a better place. The time is now and we are here For Such a Time as This.
Now whether you share or do not share the POTUS view about guns that is not the issue. The issue is that all over the world killing has become routine and an afterthought. As men and women who are
believers in Christ advancing the kingdom of God has to be more urgent and are responses need to be more that routine. This month we begin a movement to be the people that God wants us to be. For Such a Time as This in November will be based on the 3 following base scriprures.
In going to the Word of God for the first base scripture of the month of For Such a Time as This I go to Esther 2:7-9. These verses so show that the legacy of Esther began by Mordecai coming in when
Hadassah, had no other place to turn to. We as the Body of Christ need to take an interest in those especially our youth who have no one to turn to except to the ways of the world. For Such a Time as This in November.
As we come the second base scriptures of the month of For Such as a Time as This in November I go back to book of Esther 3:2-3, 5. In these verses we meet Haman who has in his mind that he is a man
that should be bowed to and Mordecai will not comply and does not bow. We as the Body of Christ cannot continue to bow down to things such as violence being a part of our life. For Such a As This in November.
And as I come to the 3rd and final base scripture of the month of For Such a Time As This I go back to the book of Esther and Esther 4:10-11, 13-14. In these verses Esther is now in a position to help
the people of God but is a bit hesitant. We as the people of God are hesitant about going into the communities to see if we can stem the violence that is going on but we cannot be. For Such a Time Such As This in November.
As I come to the end of there is much work to be done For Such a Time Such As This. There is an abudance of homeless and desolute people who need our help more than on Thanksgiving. There are seniors who have no one to check in on them to see how they are doing. There are still race issues and political differences that is part of the plan of the enemy. Divide and conquer is his goal. I need a few of you to join me and let us advance the Kingdom of God. For Such a Time Such As This. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask that he bless each and everyone of you. Please look for the Sunday School Preview and Review on Rhema Word 2.0/ Please join me Friday for a teaching called Our Father is Our Help. Have the best month ever.


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