It's Your Responsiblity ( For Such A Time As This)
Good morning and Marvelous Monday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11,13-14, there is a mentorship program where I work at that has the employees be mentors to students from the inner city. This program teaches the children such this as the supply chain, a chance to build a project of things that interest them and a chance to present that project to a group of strangers. It is a great program but some of the students who enrolled in the program had to drop out because of safety concerns of getting home after the program. That blew me away. As men and woman we have to make sure our future generations have the best chance to make it, It's Your Responsibility ( For Such a Time As This).
These children were denied the chance to get a chance to see what the supply chain does and how it is valued in the business world and recruited for in bunches. But the lack of involvement in the
community, some children could not get this valuable education. We as the Body of Christ have to be prepared to go get our communities back so our future can be brighter. It's Our Responsibility ( For Such a Time As This). This teaching will be coming from the first base scrpture of the month, Esther 2:7-9).
As we come into the Word of God for this teaching of It's Your Responsibility (For Such a Time Such as This) I begin in Esther 2:7. In this verse Mordeci took it upon himself to bring Hadassash,
which is Esther, up as she was his own child. He did not have to do that but he did. Bt doing so he placed her in a position where God could promote her. It's Your Responsibility to help our youth get to the place where God can use them and promote them. (For Such a Time As This).
As we continue this teaching of It's Your Responsibility (For Such a Time As This) we go back to the Word of God and Esther 2:8. In this verse Esther is among many other women who are chosen to go
to the palace to become part of the kings court. Now we can see how God is making a move to get Esther to her position. When we take interest our communities we are allowing our youth to get into the places God wants them to be. It's Your Responsibility (For Such A Time As This).
In coming to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of It's Your Responsibility (For Such a Time Such As This) I go to Esther 2:9. In this verse Esther has gained the favor of the custodian of
of women and gave her special things and moved her the best place in the house. When we do our job God can move our youth into the best places in the world and out from the violent conditions they are seeing daily. It's Your Responsibility (For Such A Time As This).
In conclusion when the gangs in the community are the ones who dictate what is going on in the community that is actually the work of the enemy. Are we going to let the enemy continue to have violence used as product to hurt our youth from getting to their rightful places and become a product of the community, Mordecai took his niece when he did not have to and was able to get her in a position that God can use her. If we do not have the courage to go out and speak to the youth, then let's make sure their education is not deterred. Let's place some people in elected office that will have the teachings of God as their guide. And if you think it's not, it is. It's Your Responsibility. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to watch over all of our youth. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for the Sunday School Review, Saved By Grace by Superintendent Liz Hope, and for a teachng by myself called Rest Area (A Provision of God). Join me Friday for a teaching that is untitled at this time. Have a great week all,
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