A Witness For The Light (For Such a Time As This)
Good afternoon and Fabulous Friday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time As This in November based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3, 5 and 4:10-11, 13-14, lately I have been questioned as if I have been placed on trial for my beliefs. How can you say who you are without a doubt I was asked? "Well if you want to know I was addicted to cigarettes at the age of twelve, had my first beer around the same time, graduated to weed, tac, snorted cocaine, took pcp, took pills, drank rock gut alcohol and top shelf, been with many women including while I was married and some who were married as well, but was saved from all that by one man. So yes I can say without a doubt, I am A Witness For the Light".
The judges were stunned by answers but then asked for me to
tell them more. "There were so many times that I drove home drunk and high
out of my mind and not once did I run anyone over or get
pulled over for a DUI. There was the time when me and my
best friend Mike Jones was playing with my Father's gun and it went of and
neither one of us were hurt in any way. You can see why I am A Witness For The
Light ( For Such a Time As This).
In the Word of God the greatest example of A Witness For The Light begins in John 1:6-7. In these verses we see where John was sent from God to bear witness of the Light that was to come. See I can
bear witness that not only has The Light come he has changed not only my life but others such as my Mother, who once had cancer in here body but has it no more. She is A Witness For The Light ( For Such a Time As This).
In going back to the Word of God for this teaching of A Witness For The Light I continue with John 1:8. In this verse it lets us know that John is not the true Light and it restates that he is to bear
witness to The Light. My Grandmother who is in her 90's was once thought to have lost her thought processes and would not be the same. But today she is back in her right mind. My Grandmother is A Witness For The Light (For Such a Time As This).
In coming to the last example of A Witness For The Light I go to the Word of God and John 1:9. In this verse it tells of how the true Light, came into this world and gave light to each and every person.
My Aunt Josephine, may she rest in peace, was a true example of bearing the witness of The Light to each and every one because of all The Light had done in her life and allowed her to do. A Witness For The Light (For Such a Time As This).
bear witness that not only has The Light come he has changed not only my life but others such as my Mother, who once had cancer in here body but has it no more. She is A Witness For The Light ( For Such a Time As This).
witness to The Light. My Grandmother who is in her 90's was once thought to have lost her thought processes and would not be the same. But today she is back in her right mind. My Grandmother is A Witness For The Light (For Such a Time As This).
My Aunt Josephine, may she rest in peace, was a true example of bearing the witness of The Light to each and every one because of all The Light had done in her life and allowed her to do. A Witness For The Light (For Such a Time As This).
As I come to the end my testimony as A Witness For The Light I have only scratched ths surface of what The Light has meant to me and so many others. Multiple healings. Breakthroughs when they were not even expected. Providing a way out a troubling situation. Making tears turn into joy. My Dad was to have surgery but what was once seen was gone because my Father is A Witness For The Light. For those of you who may not know who The Light is, I have been talking about Jesus and on today I offer him to you, to be Your Light. You just confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Savior and it is done. The True Light will be in your life. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. I again ask you to go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a Preview of the Sunday School lessonfrom Derbe to Philippi by Brother Bremen Campbell. And join me Monday for a teaching called I Will Not Bow Down that wil be coming from the second base scripture of the month, Esther 4:10-11, 13-14. Please continue to lift up the people of Paris in your prayers.
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