The Coming of a Champion (Still)

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Champions (Still) based on Judges 1:2-4, Matthew 21:9-11 and 2nd Corinthians 2:10-12 I happen to stay in Chicago which is the hometown of President Barack Obama. The POTUS is considered to be the leader of the free world. So when President Obama comes home to Chicago he shuts down whole town . The airport shuts down, the highways shutdown and even the crime in the neighborhoods pretty much comes to a halt. We as the Body of Christ need to have the world to see that being connected to Christ means there is The Coming of a Champion (Still).

See others should be excited see the members of the Body of Christ coming because they know it is going to be a change in the atmosphere. They know that things such as homelessness, hunger, 
unemployment, financial distress and all other negative things are coming to an end. These happen when there is The Coming of a Champion (Still). This teaching will be coming from the second base scripture of the month, Matthew 21:9-11.
As we come into the Word of God for this teaching of the Coming of a Champion we begin in Matthew 21:9. In this verse Jesus is being hailed King by the people who are attending or are on their
way to Passover. We as the Body of Christ should know that when we are coming in the name of the Lord we are able to bless all around us. The Coming of a Champion (Still).
In continuing this teaching of Coming of a Champion I go to Matthew 9;10. In this verse the people in Jerusalem, the religious folks as well as those who did not know Jesus wondered "who is this". As
members of the Body of Christ whenever we are around the foundations of the world should shake, the miracles should occur and peace should reign supreme, so much so that others want you know, "who is this" that has you like this. The Coming of a Champion (Still).
In coming to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Coming of a Champion I go to Matthew 9:21. In this verse the people tell those who do not know, that this man is named Jesus.  As
members of the Body of Christ we are a multitude of many people who know that Jesus can do so many things and we need to tell the world who he is and who we are. The Coming of a Champion (Still). 
In closing there are so many people that need to see action in their lives. They are hurting and have no guidance or direction. Are we going to be like multitude and confess the name of Jesus or are we going to keep the good news to ourselves. We do that Christ lives and that is what makes us all Champions, Still. And that one day he is coming back for those who have loved and believed on him. We should want each and everyone to have the gifts that Jesus provides. We should be the ambassadors for Christ all over the world. For he is the King for those who do not know and his name is Jesus. The Coming of a Champion (Still). I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless each and every one. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 to see the Preview by Elder Armstrong and the Review by Superintendent Liz Hope on the Sunday School lesson of the past week. And please join me later this week for a teaching called the Reflection of a Champion (Still). 


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