Call For a Champion
Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Champions (Still) in October, based on Judges 1:2-24, Matthew 21:9-11 and 2nd Corinthians 2:10-12, one of the things that owners of sports teams look for is that player who will take the team to that other level and eventually to the championship. As much as most sports are team sports, finding that star quality person who is head and shoulders above the rest keeps owners, their representatives and their fans hoping for a title. God, who is Our Creator is also looking for some of us to stand tall and go into places that no one else will go into. God is issuing a Call For a Champion.
As we come into this teaching of Call For a Champion we go to Judges 1:2. In this verse Judah is picked by God as after Joshua has died, God is looking for a Champion. There was still land to
conquer. We as men and women of God have to become more involved to curb this epidemic of murder everywhere. Call For a Champion.
As we continue this teaching of Call For a Champion I go to Judges 1:3. In this verse Judah after getting his assignment now seeks help from Simeon to go claim the land that God has given to them,
but also Judah will help Simeon conquer his territory as well, We as the people of God must also come together to see if we can educate the youth on the importance of waiting to get married to have sex. Call For a Champion.
As we come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Call For a Champion we go to Judges 1:4. In this verse we see where God has done what he has promised. God has is looking for
some of us to take some of these world issues such as hunger, strife and other conditions are make them our cause. God has places a Call For a Champion.
In closing just as the sports owners are looking for that person or people to push them into the championships, God is also looking for those who have a passion to go above and beyond. The killings have to stop. Teenage pregnancy needs to be addressed. Hunger needs to be resolved. Yes my blog is read internationally but what am I doing at home to advance the gospel. Although I encourage others on my job what am I doing to help the homeless. I see the same men and women on the block who may just need a kind word and I look at them sideways at times. God needs us all as he has placed a Call For a Champion. I give God all the honor and glory for this teaching. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching titled Call of Duty and to see the Sunday School preview by Superintendent Liz Hope of Rhema Word 2.0 which is the Sunday School for Valley Kingdom Ministries International. Join me Friday for a teaching \called Jesus is my Champion (Still). Have a great week everyone,
In the world today there is so much unrest. It seems that we have gotten numb to murders happening everyday. There are still teens who are parents at an early age. There is still hunger, strife and other
conditions that need improving worldwide. Do we as the people of God sit back and allow these things to continue to happen or do we answer God who has placed a Call For a Champion. This teaching will be coming form the first base scripture of the month, Judges 1:2-4.
conquer. We as men and women of God have to become more involved to curb this epidemic of murder everywhere. Call For a Champion.
but also Judah will help Simeon conquer his territory as well, We as the people of God must also come together to see if we can educate the youth on the importance of waiting to get married to have sex. Call For a Champion.
some of us to take some of these world issues such as hunger, strife and other conditions are make them our cause. God has places a Call For a Champion.
In closing just as the sports owners are looking for that person or people to push them into the championships, God is also looking for those who have a passion to go above and beyond. The killings have to stop. Teenage pregnancy needs to be addressed. Hunger needs to be resolved. Yes my blog is read internationally but what am I doing at home to advance the gospel. Although I encourage others on my job what am I doing to help the homeless. I see the same men and women on the block who may just need a kind word and I look at them sideways at times. God needs us all as he has placed a Call For a Champion. I give God all the honor and glory for this teaching. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching titled Call of Duty and to see the Sunday School preview by Superintendent Liz Hope of Rhema Word 2.0 which is the Sunday School for Valley Kingdom Ministries International. Join me Friday for a teaching \called Jesus is my Champion (Still). Have a great week everyone,
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