Renewal of a Champion (Still)

Good afternoon and Happy Saturday. As we continue in he month of Champions (Still) in October I based on Judges 1:2-4, Matthew 21:9-11 and 2nd Corinthians 2:10:12, as I am doing this teaching I am exhausted. I am 16 hours in of working 31 hours at 3 different sites. School has begun again and I have read one chapter and part of the second chapter that I have to read. I am spending more time to help develop Rhema Word 2.0 Facebook page and blog and have begun a new friendship with some one I have known for a while. At this time I am wiped out and have no intentions of really wanting to do this teaching. But I know that this is also part of my assignment to advance the kingdom of God and if I do the work of God there will be something that I and others can look forward to. And that is a Renewal of a Champion (Still).
As we get into this teaching I want define the word renewal and I go to my source of definitions and that is Renewal means to begin again; to make effective for a additional period, and
to restore or replenish. I am exhausted but the love of God can make me begin again. The power of God will make me effective for an additional period. And I come to go God asking him to restore and replenish my strength so I can be the man he wants me to be. Renewal of a Champion (Still).
As I come to the Word of God for this teaching of Renewal of a Champion I go to Isaiah 40:28. In this verse it reinforces that God is not only everlasting but he's neither faint or weary and his
understanding is unsearchable. See when I said I would do all these hours it was knowing that doing this teaching was part of what God wanted me to do and he has allowed me to begin again the assignment he has for me. Renewal of a Champion (Still).

As we continue with this teaching of Renewal of a Champion (Still) I go to Isaiah 40:29-30. In these verses it tells of how God gives power to the weak , increases strength and shows how mighty he is 

as even the young get weary and fall. As I continue with this teaching it seems that God has already made me effective for an additional time as I am feeling better and feeling renewed. Renewal of a Champion (Still).

As we come to the conclusion of this teaching of Renewal of a Champion (Still) I go to the Word of God and Isiah 40:31. In this verse it tells of if we wait on God that our strength will be there, we can

be as if we were eagles and flying and we can run all the day long. As I get closer to the conclusion of this teaching I see that God has replenished and restored me already. Renewal of a Champion (Still).
In conclusion I thank God for making me push forward in what should have been a weak time, There may be those out here who may have issues that I do not have and are ready to give up and throw in the towel but you must remember, that you are a Champion (Still) and God will never forsake or leave you out there. God will begin again some things you thought were dormant. God will give you an additional period of time so that you can receive the things he has for you. And God shall replenish and restore any and every thing you may have lost. It says it verse 28 he is the Creator of the ends of the earth and that is so true. Renewal of a Champion (Still). I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching by me called Call of Duty and the Sunday School Preview this week by Superintendent Liz Hope. And join me Monday for a teaching called Who is Going With Me, based on the first base scripture of the month, Judges 1:2-4. Enjoy your weekend.


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