Follow Instructions (Corrective Actions of Jesus

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. One of the great things that a man likes to do is to be able to fix things. It may be working on a car or building a deck or putting together a cabinet or table. These are things that some men have been taught how to do or been told how to do them. One of the ways they are taught is by someone who has done it before. If I want to learn how to change oil in a car the best way for me to do that is to have someone teach me how. If I want to build a deck the best way for me to do it would have to have someone show me how. And if I want to assemble a cabinet or table if there is someone who has done this before it will this much easier. One of the reasons that we as the Body of Christ cannot become a bigger force in the world is that we want to do things ourselves and will not Follow Instructions ( Corrective Actions of Jesus).

In coming into this teaching I want to define the words follow and instructions and go to my source of definitions which is The word follow means; to accept as a guide or leader. The
word instructions means as follows; knowledge or information imparted. As members of the Body of Christ we must accept Jesus as our guide always and impart this knowledge to those who do not believe. But are we doing this? Follow Instructions (Corrective Actions of Jesus).
In going to the Word of God for this teaching of Follow Instructions I go to Matthew 23:37. In this verse Jesus tells the people that God had sent prophets to teach them and they did not listen now that
he has arrived the people refuse to accept him as well. I our lives we have had aunts, uncles, parents, and ministers tell us to do the right thing but we still stray away from their teachings and wonder why we falter. Follow Instructions (Corrective Actions of Jesus)
In continuing in the Word of God for this teaching of Follow Instructions I go to Matthew 23:38. In this verse Jesus tells the people that their house is desolate meaning that it is deserted and lonely. We
as members of the Body of Christ have deserted the teachings that we have been taught and have begun to teach things that are contrary to the teachings of Jesus. Follow Instructions (Corrective Actions of Jesus).
In coming to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Follow instructions I go to Matthew 23:39. In this verse Jesus tells the people that they will not see any more of his good works that God
sent him to do unless they accept him. We as members of the Body of Christ have to continue to be committed to let the world know that Jesus is real and the only way to get the blessings and favor of God. Follow Instructions ( Corrective Actions of Jesus).
In conclusion we as the Body of Christ have to Follow Instructions. If we accept Jesus as our guide we can impart knowledge upon the world. We must be steadfast in knowing that the only way to God is through his son Jesus. We must read to understand the directions of Jesus so we are not desolate or lonely as we attempt to teach his Word. We can do this if we Follow Instructions ( Corrective Action of Jesus). I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless everyone. Please join me later this week for a teaching that is not as yet named and please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called Stir It Up. Have the best week ever.


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