Fred and the Beanstalk (Magic Beans Syndrome)

Good afternoon and Happy Saturday. As we continue in the month of Corrective Action based on Deuteronomy 8:1-5, 2nd Samuel 16:9-12 and 1st Corinthians 11:23-26 one of my favorite things I liked as a child was children's stories. I loved as my mother or grandmother read them to me. One of my favorites was originally written in 1807 but the one that is most popular comes from the book called English Fairy Tales written by Joseph Jacobs in 1890. The story from this book is Jack and the Beanstalk. If you are not familiar with this story let me fill you in on some of the details. You see Jack and his Mother lived together and did not have much of value but a cow. When the cow was unable to give milk anymore, Jack's mother sent him to town to sell cow. Jack meets an old man, trades the cow for some magic beans, brings them to his mother who throws them out and eventually a beanstalk grows. You see I in many ways was once Jack. I thought that money would make my problems disappear. Fred and the  Beanstalk. ( Magic Bean Syndrome)

You see like Jack I was told a specific thing to do and I failed to follow instructions.  I failed to listen when I was told that money could solve all of my problems and that I needed God to be the head of
 my life. This love of money was my eventual downfall as in placed obstacles such as a beanstalk that kept me from what God actually had for me. Fred and the Beanstalk (Magic Beans Syndrome).

In going to the Word of God for this teaching of Fred and the Beanstalk (Magic Beans Syndrome I go to 2nd Kings 5:20-27. In these verses Gehazi is greedy for the magic beans that Namaam had offered
Elisha who turned it down. Gehazi wound up with leprosy. My greed of money found my beanstalk full of deception, hurt, lack of love and trust. Fred and the Beanstalk (Magic Beans Syndrome).
As I continue in this teaching of Fred and the Beanstalk ( Magic Bean Syndrome) I go back to the Word of God and Matthew 26:14-16. In these verses Judas Iscariot accepts magic beans to betray
Jesus. I betrayed Jesus as well and had to deal with a beanstalk full of pain, ridicule, lack of passion and people who smiled in my face but talked about me behind my back. Fred and the Beanstalk ( Magic Bean Syndrome).
As I come to the conclusion of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Fred and the Beanstalk I go to 1st Timothy 6:9-10. In theses verses it speaks of how the love of magic beans is the root of all evil
and that it will have you fall in things such as traps and perdition. My beanstalk had the devil standing at the top of it doing anything and everything to keep me from slaying him. Fred and the Beanstalk ( Magic Beans Syndrome).
In conclusion I thank God that I finally was able to come down from my beanstalk and into his presence. It took me many years to break the Magic Bean Syndrome that controlled my life. I was eventually able to defeat the giants in my life but think of how much better it would have been if I just did what God wanted me to. They say that experience is the greatest teacher of all but the Corrective Actions of God is not a way I suggest to do things. Live your life according to the Word of God and you don't have to worry about a beanstalk or killing giants. Fred and the Beanstalk ( Magic Bean Syndrome). Have a great weekend. Please join me Monday for a teaching called Let Them Curse You Out ( God Will Provide Correction) that will come from the second base scriptures of the month, 2nd Samuel 16:9-12. And if you get a chance please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called I Thought I Was Until....... I give God all the credit and honor for all of the teachings he has allowed me to do.


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