Maybe We Are Not Getting It (Traditionally Speaking)
Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we come into this final teaching of the month of Corrective Action in June based on Deuteronomy 8:1-5, 2nd Samuel 16:9-12 and 1st Corinthians 11:23-26 when I worked on the chassis line of Ford Motor Company my main job responsibility consisted of hanging rear brakes. But that was not all that I had to do. Another thing that I had to do was make rear station wagon arms for the person who built made the whole assembly. Traditionally this was done when there was a station wagon approaching and it was easier to put those types of brakes up. One day I decided to against the traditional way to do this and came in early to make up enough rear station wagon arms to last the whole night and it made my job easier. In the area of religion there are so many things that have become tradition that is not actual what we are supposed to be doing. Maybe We Are Not Getting It (Traditionally Speaking).
We as the Body of Christ have become so immersed in tradition that we are on the verge of losing a whole generation. And some of the things that are done "traditionally" are not what God wants us to
do. As the world has changed and the enemy has adapted we as the people of God have not. Maybe We Are Not Getting It (Traditionally Speaking). This teaching is based on the last base scripture of the month of Corrective Action in June, 1st Corinthians 11:23-26.
In beginning this teaching of Maybe We Are Not Getting It I begin in 1st Corinthians 11:23-24. In these verses it speaks of how the tradition The Lord's Supper began and how the bread represents the 

body of Christ and we we do this we do this in remembrance of Jesus. Most of the people of God get this but there is something that Maybe We Are Not Getting (Traditionally Speaking).
In continuing this teaching of Maybe We Are Not Getting It I go to 1st Corinthians 11:25. In these verse it tells of how we continue with The Lord's Supper by taking the cup that is symbolic of the
Blood that Jesus shed. As OFTEN as we drink what is symbolic of the Blood of Christ we are remembering him. Maybe We Are Not Getting It (Traditionally Speaking),
As we come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Maybe We Are Not Getting It I go to 1st Corinthians 11:26. In this verse it tells that when take The Lord's Supper OFTEN we as his
people we are letting others know we know that Jesus will return to claim his kingdom and we are his people. Maybe We Are Not Getting It (Traditionally Speaking).
In closing the key word in this teaching it OFTEN. There is nothing in the Word of God that says we must take The Lord's Supper on just the first Sunday of the month. Yes it needs to be held in reverence as in tradition but we need it OFTEN so that the we continue to let the world know that Jesus is coming back for those that believe in Him. As OFTEN as we can is the tradition of God not men. Imagine going to try to fill up your home with groceries, car with gas or just sleep once a day out of a month. These things we do more often and so should The Lord's Supper as well. Traditionally Speaking,, We Are Not Getting It. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all. Please join me on Friday for the theme of the month of July and if you have a chance please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called What Would You Do. Great job this month all.
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