Corrective Action in June.

Good afternoon and Happy Monday. Brand new month. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we move into the new month we have already made our lives Drama Free in January based on 1st Kings 3:23-28 and Mark 12:13-17 and then Renewed in February based on Psalms 51:10-13, Isaiah 40:28-31 and Ephesians 4:20-24. Onboarding in March based on Deuteronomy 6:5-9, John 10:25-30 and 1st  Corinthians 1:18-24. In April we petitioned God to Hear Our Prayers based on 2nd Chronicles 6:38-40, Psalms 130:1-6 and Daniel 9:16-19. And last month we basked in the Evidence of Our Faith based on Acts 4:15-17, Philippians  1:12-14 and Hebrews 11:1-3. So as we begin a new month and get ready to come to the end of the first half of the year there are some things that I am still doing wrong and that is throwing me off course of doing the work that God wants me to do. So God provided me with this theme that I am going to share with you and that is Corrective Action in June.
As I begin this teaching I want to define the words corrective and action. As usual I go to my source of definitions and that is The word corrective means as follows; to rectify, a means of
correcting. The word action means as follows; something done, a performed act, and the process of being active. God needs me to rectify some things in my life before something can be done, before he performs his acts and then being active in my life. The next three paragraphs will have the base scriptures for the month.

In going to the Word of God for this teaching of Corrective Action in June the first base scripture will be coming from Deuteronomy 8:1-5. In these verses God is telling the people who have made it to
the promised land of some of the things that he did for them to make it thus far. I have to rectify how I talk to people at times before something is done by God. Corrective Action in June.
As we come into the 2nd base scripture of the month of Corrective Action in June I go to the Word of God and 2nd Samuel 16:9-12. In these verses Abishai wants to defend King David's honor by cutting
off the head of someone who us cursing out the King but David sees that God placed the man there for that purpose. I want God to place his act of correcting in my life so he can use me to perform his acts. Corrective Action in June.
As I come to the last base scripture of the month of Corrective Action in June I go to 1st Corinthians 11:23-26. In these verses Paul writes to the church of Corinth and reminds them of how when I
should remember Jesus on the night he was betrayed instituted the Lord's Supper. It did not say just once a month but as often as you do you are remembering him. I have to rectify how I let religion traditions keep me from being active in changing this process. Corrective Action in June.
In conclusion I can not speak for any one but myself. I need God to come into my life to correct some of my actions such as wanting to gamble, watch how I speak to certain folk, to take away the cursing in my life and allow me to be strong enough to just walk away when some one is cursing me out. I ask God to begin an act of correcting in my life and take away the lusting, the pride, the selfishness, the not wanting to reach out to those who really need me. I come humbly knowing that I cannot teach your Word effectively without these changes. I come to you God ready to accept your Corrective Actions in June. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all who may read this. Have a great month. Please join me next Saturday for teaching called Our Father Has Corrective Actions based on the 1st base scripture of the month, Deuteronomy 8:1-5. And please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called They Will Try To Tear It Down.


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