Mind Power ( When Enough is Enough ).
In getting into this blog I want to get the meanings of both words, mind and power. Of course I go to my source of definitions which is Dictionary.com. The word mind means; intellect or understanding; intelligence;
distinguished from the faculties of feeling and willing. The word power means; ability to act, capability of doing, accomplishing something. As a people of faith God wants us to have the understanding with the ability to act. God wants us to have intelligence with the capability to of doing. God wants us to have the distinguished feeling to accomplish something.
In looking in the Word of God to look for examples of Mind Power I begin in Judges 4:2-10. As you read the passage please note how we the people of God have sinned are now are oppressed by the king of
tobacco, out of control sex and idol worship of people that God lifted the protection we had and know we are just out there alone. But it only takes one to say enough is enough and to have the intelligence to act. Deborah had the Mind Power to know what God commands will be so. When do we command those things I mentioned out of our lives.
In going to the second example in the Word of God of Mind Power I look at 2nd Chronicles 14:6-15. In this passage we see that King Asa had the Mind Power to see that the way the people of God were living
was foul. So he made some changes to the area of government, religion, education and family so that God would bless all that he did. But when you do these things the enemy wants to attack. In verse 11 King Asa has the understanding that God is capable of doing anything. When do we look at the areas I mentioned and say enough is enough.
In my last example in the Word of God I go to Revelations 2:8-11. In this passage Jesus speaks well of the church of Smyrna as much of us are poor and cannot fulfill our dreams in arts and entertainment because of
money, cannot even begin to change social media because we do not have a computer or keep our businesses afloat for lack of customers. Jesus tells us that when we are distinguished willingly he can help us accomplish something. As people of faith we can hold on as one day enough is enough and all will be well as we bask in our Mind Power.
In closing I still have to watch physical and spiritual diet. You think the enemy wants to tell people as far away as China who ready blogs the great things God has done for me. He attempts to get in my mind and wrest for power because he knows I used to work for him. But I continue to say enough is enough and will write what God puts in a spirit. Mind Power. Enough is Enough. May God bless all who read this blog and of course I give God all the glory and honor. Join me for my next blog called When Harry Met Sally. Have a great week. I am also doing a blog for my church's Rhema Word 2.0 blog ( Rhema Word is our Sunday school department).
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