When You Exhibit Faith

Good morning and Happy Friday every one As we finish up this week of When is June based on Psalms 73:3, 1st Corinthians 13:11 and Matthew 17:8 I posted a picture of my Dad not because Father's Day just passed but to show you a man who had to come from so odds that most of us would never have made it out of. But my Dad is just one of many who had to endure this type of hard labor when they where children. The only way that you could make a living in the Southern states of the United States would be to sharecrop off of the land of a land owner. Now please keep in mind that slavery had been abolished a long time ago so when my Dad was born in the 1940' he along with his brothers and sister and his parents had to do this to put food on the table and a roof over their head. They made the land owners lots of money by working their land for little wages but the rewards for them was not to come for them at that appointed time. They and others like them were working for their descendants who would never have to work like this and be able to become leaders when their times was to come. When You Exhibit Faith anything can happen.

As often times I do I will look up the  key words in the blog and of course my source of definitions is Dictionary.com. In looking up the word exhibit it means as follows; to offer or expose to view; present for

inspection; to manifest or display. The word faith means as follows; confidence; trust; and a belief. When the people of my Fathers generation was doing what they had to do they were on the path of exposing a view for us to see that God can deliver on his promises. What the people of my Fathers generation were doing was presenting for inspection the trust in God that will get you out of any situation such as sharecropping. And finally What the people of my Fathers generation were doing was displaying a belief that God is their all and all. In the next three paragraphs I am going to look at When You Exhibit Faith from one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, Hebrews 11.

In looking in the Word of God I want to go Hebrews 11:17-20. We have heard this story many times before but it never gets old it shows the power of When You Exhibit Faith. By faith Abraham knew that
even if he had to offer his son for a sacrifice that God still would have made a way for Isaac to be able to bless his sons, Jacob and Esau even though were not even thought of yet. Abraham offered his descendants a view of his confidence and they were able to move forward and pass on the faith to others.

In looking in the Word of God and staying in the same book and chapter I go to Hebrews 11:21-22. As Jacob was getting ready to die he  had a When You Exhibit Faith experience as he blessed those who had
follow him and that made Joseph be able to have faith that his descendants would properly take him to his final resting place long after he was gone. They both were presenting for inspection their trust in God by their actions.

In looking in the Word of God in the final paragraph I go to Hebrews 11:23-31. In this passage it speaks of another familiar story from the Bible as it shows When You Exhibit Faith by Moses and the people of God.
Moses could have been Egyptian royalty but he wanted to be with his people. Not only that but the faith of Moses was able to be passed on to the harlot Rahab who helped the people of God and was able to pass down to her descendants how to display a belief.
In closing  we must pass on the faith that we have to exhibit to our descendants. They have to know that their dreams of being in arts and entertainment can happen.  Our descendants must know that they can make a difference in the area of social media. Our descendants must know they can start their own business, make a difference in education. Our descendants must know that family is most important. Our descendants have to know that they can take religion to a whole other level. And our descendants must know they  can change how government views the people of faith. Offer a view of confidence. Present for inspection trust. Manifest belief.  When You Exhibit Faith these things are evident. They are things passed on by our ancestors.  We need to spend some time with our elders and learn some things so we can pass them on. I am talking to every race, creed, culture and nationality. Hebrews 11:2 tells of how our elders were able to pass on the good news of God.  May God bless all those who read this blog and I give God all the glory. I just want to add one thing. Have a great weekend. Please join me for my next blog called tentatively called When Do You Grow Up.


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