When Harry Met Sally ( Finding Your Calling )

Good morning and Happy Friday. As we continue in the month of When In June based on Psalms 73:3, 1st Corinthians 13:11 and Matthew 17:8 I want to talk about a movie that came out in 1989 called When Harry Met Sally. This movie cost $16 million to make and made over $92 million for the people involved. The plot of the movie deals with two friends, Harry and Sally, who struggle to find a common ground on the definition of friendship. Through a twelve year journey each person went through relationships, heartaches, and confusion that made them at times question should they even be friends. After a long time they finally found themselves attracted to each other and eventually got together. God at times sends you through a journey that no one could imagine especially if you are a person who has given your life to God for many years. Each of us has an assignment that has to be fulfilled to advance the kingdom of God. When Harry Met Sally dealt with a journey about finding themselves. As a person of faith our journey may consist of Finding Your Calling.

When Harry Met Sally is about finding your calling. In looking up the words finding and calling I go to my source of definitions Dictionary.com. In looking up the word finding it means as follows; discovery, verdict,
or ascertained. The word calling means as follows, vocation, profession or trade. Most of us are already in our calling but some of us are still trying to discover our vocation, see whats the verdict for our profession and ascertain what is our trade in the kingdom of God. In the next three paragraphs I will look in the Word of God to see when three people found their calling.

In my first example of When Harry met Sally or finding your calling I want to go the Word of God and to 2nd Samuel 7:4-17. While he was asleep the prophet Nathan received his calling from God to allow to tell
about the covenant God has for David. Most times when we sleep God is giving us a message to discover our vocation  but in order to do that we have to have a relationship for us to know when he is talking to us.

In my second example of When Harry met Sally or finding your calling I look to the Word of God again and go to Isaiah the 6th chapter. In this chapter Isaiah saw one of the greatest things ever when he saw God
siting on the throne and heaven all at once. After seeing all of this he could have just let things be as they were but he accepted the assignment that the Lord had for him. It was not easy to tell the people a message of doom but that is what God had for him. Isaiah see whats the verdict for his profession.

In looking at the last example of When Harry met Sally or finding your calling I go the Word of God and John 3:1-21. In this passage Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus who is questioning the calling of Jesus. He,
Nicodemus ask Jesus a lot of questions because he wants to know how he could gain things like power and eternal life. Nicodemus despite hearing his calling does not ascertain what is his trade that God has for him.

In closing I want you to know that finding your calling is not that easy but if you have a relationship with God it can happen. Finding your calling may be one of you having to deliver news no one wants to hear. Finding your calling may be ignored as you may not be ready to fully accept Jesus as your personal Saviour. It is not easy  to discover our vocation, see whats the verdict for our profession and ascertain what is our trade, but when we allow God to use us, Jesus to save us and the Holy Spirit to fill us it will be a whole lot better than When Harry met Sally. Because we will be able to find our true calling. May God bless all who read this and I give God all the glory and honor. Have a great day all. Happy Fathers day all. Especially my Dad James Wesley.


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