Possible in the Wind
Good morning and Happy Friday. As we continue in the Year of the Wind based on Exodus 14:21 and and Acts 2:2-4 we begin the month of Possible in April based on Matthew 19:26 I would like to share a something that happened to me recently. I had been tipped a 20.00 bill by a resident of the building I am a doorman at. I put away the 20.00 and was going to use it to buy a friend of mine a lunch on a day when I was to return to work. When I received the money I was thankful but not overly excited. On the day I was to return to work I grabbed the 20.00 and went to the where I kept the money and grabbed some trash to take out on my way to the bus. This day it was rather windy and I noticed when I threw the garbage away the bag stuck to the side of the garbage can as if it was held by the wind. As I walked away I could not find the 20.00 and looked down towards the garbage can and saw a homeless man jumping up and down. He found the money I was lost. If the wind was not blowing it would not have been possible for the man to see the money hanging in the can. With God there are things that are Possible in the Wind.
In my life I am doing things that I once seem that was not possible because of windy situations. I wanted to go to school but a failed marriage and relationships that followed provided a strong wind of resistance. I was
As I continue on in the Word of God I go to verse 24 and his disciples come to Jesus and awake him fearing all the good works and great things that Jesus has done will be over with in this strong wind. We all
In my life I am doing things that I once seem that was not possible because of windy situations. I wanted to go to school but a failed marriage and relationships that followed provided a strong wind of resistance. I was
wanted to be cool rather that have have wind of being a nerd being part of my life. I wanted to have the blessings of God but not the winds that comes with reaping what I have sowed. I am here to tell you this month that if I can change anything is Possible in the Wind. In this blog I am going to one passage of scripture to show you it is Possible in the Wind when you believe in Jesus.
In going to the Word of God I am going to go to Luke 8:23-25 and use one verse per example. This story actually starts in Luke 8:22 when Jesus and his disciples decide to go to the other side of the lake. But as the
boat is in the water a storm of wind ( verse 23 ) shakes the boat to where their life is in jeopardy. In our lives we may dream of being effective in areas like business and arts and entertainment but the winds of doubt comes our way and we give up. I am here today to tell you can be whatever you want to be. It is Possible in the Wind when you believe in Jesus.
As I continue on in the Word of God I go to verse 24 and his disciples come to Jesus and awake him fearing all the good works and great things that Jesus has done will be over with in this strong wind. We all
can make things happen in education, religion and our governments and make these areas calm for our youth, our seniors and our present. We can do this because this is what Jesus is all about, calmness in the worst situations. It is Possible in the Wind with Jesus.
In going to the Word of God I finish up in verse 25. In this verse Jesus who has all power in his hands questions those who has seen the gifts that God has bestowed upon him and ask them, Where is your faith.
We can be a change in how people view family and social media. We have someone who died for our sins, that can command the wind to make any and every thing possible. With Jesus it is Possible in the Wind.
In closing I want you navigate through your life as if nothing was in your way. I urge you to be stay strong in your business endeavors. I encourage to write that book, that poetry or start that radio/television program. I exude you to become active in the area of education even if you have no child. I know we all see ways to improve and change the ways of religion. I urge you to please write your elected officials to let them no who you are and your concerns. I plead with you to embrace your family because in the end they are your family. And as I am an example we the people of faith can make a difference in the social media. We can make it to the other side of the lake. It is Possible in the Wind. May God bless all those that read this blog. I give God all the glory. Please join me for my next blog called Anything is Possible. Have a fantastic weekend.
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