Glass Ceiling

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we get ready to end the month of Possible In April based on Matthew 19:26 I want to share a story about something that happened on a job I held previously. At this job I came to work everyday but sometimes I would come late and under the influence of drugs. I would attempt to talk to any and every women who worked at this company. I actually did not come to work everyday as I said I had but on days that I wanted to come. I had a bad attitude and did not get along with several co-workers. I would laugh at those I thought that looked strange and talked about each manager or supervisor I had behind their backs. One day there was a open position that would have been a promotion for me so I applied for the position. When I did not get the position I was angry and wanted to know why that a valuable employee like me did not get the job. Looking back I had provided a Glass Ceiling with my actions that stunted my growth.

In looking up the meaning of the phrase glass ceiling I go to my source of definitions and that is of course The phrase means as follows; a upper limit to professional advancement imposed upon
minorities and women that is not readily perceived or openly acknowledged. So when I was working at this job I imposed on my professional advancement by my behavior. At the time I could not readily perceive this because of what I thought I was doing. And I would never openly acknowledge that I was not a great worker. Many of us in our walk of faith being people of faith put a Glass Ceiling on what God can do to help our spiritual advancement, to readily perceive that we are not working in his kingdom and fail to open acknowledge that we know with God all things are possible. The next three paragraphs will look at 3 great people in the Bible who placed Glass Ceilings in their lives.

In my first example from the Bible comes from Exodus 3:10-11. In this passage God has instructed Moses on what he wants his assignment to be but Moses ask God who am I to go speak to Pharaoh. In
God just speaking to Moses his answer should have just been I will go God. In our lives we impose not only our spiritual advancement but also our professional advancement by questioning what God has for us. It makes me wonder what kind of relationship you have with God if you cannot trust him. We cannot have Glass Ceilings.

In the next example coming from the Word of God I go to Esther 4:13-14. In this passage Mordeci is telling his niece, Queen Esther that if she holds her peace and watches her people be destroyed what
her think that when she is found to be a chosen people of God that she will not be destroyed as well. We the people of faith most times cannot readily perceive that we are not doing enough in our homes and our communities to make a difference when we are called to be leaders in such a time like this. We cannot have Glass Ceilings.

In my last example in the Word of God I go to Acts 9:13-14. In this passage Ananias is given a word to go see a man who is known to do harm to those who profess a love for Jesus. Once again I have to
question when Jesus spoke to Ananias why he did not say I will go. We may not want to openly acknowledge that we are believers of Jesus at our jobs and when we are out in the world but this is our assignment. We cannot have Glass Ceilings.

In closing there is a call to action to change the world. We have to be part of the advancement of God's plan in the area of education. We have to readily perceive that we can make a change in the area of arts and entertainment. We can openly acknowledge that religion needs to be brought into the present but still having the values of the past. We can advance the kingdom of God in our governments. We have to readily perceive that social media can be a great tool for advancing the kingdom. We have to open acknowledge that we can do more to help our families see what Christ has done for us. And in our businesses we can break through the Glass Ceilings by having successful faith based business. Everything is Possible when you believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. May God bless those who read this blog. I give God all the glory and honor. Please join me Friday for the theme for next month. Great job this month all.


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