Extreme Makeover ( Business Edition )
Good morning all and Happy Friday. As we continue in Possible in April based on Matthew 19:26 I want to focus on something that is happening all over but I see it everyday. In my commute to work I see able bodied men and women being entrepreneurs in the streets of Chicago. Mostly everywhere I go there are people selling loose squares ( for those of you do not know squares are cigarettes and you can learn more about this by going to my blog called I Love Loosey ). Then of course you have the men and woman who are selling drugs. This business is kind of successful as they seem to have the cars, the homes and the money to let others know how they are living. Finally you have men and women who strip their clothes off for money and they also seem to have found fame and fortune in the neighborhoods I live and pass by. Can you see why the teenagers turn to these people because of the lack of other positive role models not visible or active in their neighborhoods. Is there one business man or business woman or business organization that can help by offering something. We need a Extreme Makeover, Business Edition.
In looking at this closely God told Abram to move and get away from the land where his father Terah made idols for the people of Canaan to worship their gods. This was a big and profitable business for the family.
As pictured above the educations system is asking the business community to get involved. In the church we are asking business leaders to get involved. There has to be a process to take from the streets to the business community. Also we the people of faith have to seek out the businesses that are already doing something and support them. In the next three paragraphs I will show 3 examples of Extreme Makeover Business Edition.
In looking at Extreme Makeover in the Word of God I go to man who was once a prince of a people who became a shephard who led the people out of bondage with the help of God. This man was called Moses.
In Exodus 2:10 we see that he became the son of Pharaoh's daughter but God did not want to use him there. Moses could have become king as he was in succession to be so in the court of the Egyptians but that was not the plan God had for him . W see that once he changed his profession to a shephard in Exodus 3:1-10 God was able to use him to free his people. Extreme Makeover, Business Edition.
In the second example of Extreme Makeover Business Edition I go to 1st Samuel 16:11-13 Samuel with the guidance from God goes to find David, a shepherd over his father Jesse sheep. David is anointed and on his
way to his new business and that of being a king. There are many ways that we can seek businesses to help the education process and the faith based initiatives. We have the Internet to seek these businesses out. We have our jobs to see what they do for those who need guidance. In 2nd Samuel 2:11 we see where David is now a king and can help the people of God advance. Extreme Makeover, Business Edition.
In my last example of Extreme Makeover Business Edition I want to use as my last example Saul of Tarsus. Saul was a tent maker by trade but his hatred for the followers of Jesus was furious and conviction. He did
believe in Jesus and was out to arrest and put to death any of his followers ( Acts 8:1-3 ). But in Acts 9:1-20 we see where he had a change of heart on the way to Damascus as Jesus appeared to him in a vision, baptized and soon is giving the people the gospel of Christ. Not to just the people of God but to the Gentiles. which is us, as well. In these times we have to think big enough to even open our own faith businesses to help stem the problem of violence in our communities.
In closing churches and the education system cannot be enough to change our communities. We need a commitment by businesses to help stem the violence, the hate, the hopelessness. In Chicago there is a plan to raise over 50 million dollars over 5 years, which 2 million has been already rasied, by the business community which has had enough of what is happening where they live and want to make a difference. My blog is read in different conutries so please seek out, talk with and support businesses that make differences in communities. May God bless all those who read my blog. And I give God all the glory. Please join me for my next blog called One Drop. Have a blessed weekend.
Postscript. I want to congratulate again my friend Ms. Angela Francis for being the longest tenured choir memeber in the Unity Choir of Valley Kingdom Ministries International. Here she is accepting her award from Apostle H. Daniel Wilson and Senior Pastor Beverly Wilson.
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