Reign, Reign, Go Away
Good morning and Happy Friday. As we finish up the month themed Reign in November based on Luke 19:13-14 I think about when I was smaller. In my early years I went to a elementary school that was named Bennet. I went to this school between the grades of 2nd and 4th. The school day started at 9am and 3:15pm it ended. In between around 10am we were allowed to go outside to play for about thirty minutes and this time was called recess. As a child I looked forward to recess with my classmates as a way to let out some energy after being cooped up in a classroom so long. I would be excited to throw a rubber ball against a wall and play some kind of game of baseball. Or riding the merry-go-round until I got dizzy and fall on the ground. Or just causing havoc with my female classmates that time of day was something I looked forward to. The weather conditions had to be where we could go out and not get hurt. So on days that it rained my classmates and I would be stuck in the classroom. We all would chant out at the same time, rain, rain go away. As an adult there are those who despite my wishes still to reign over my life and those that I love. I say to this Reign, Reign, Go Away.
In the first example I go the Book of Judges. I start in the 8th chapter verses 22-23. Gideon ( Jerubbaal was the name his earthly father, Joash gave him ) was told that by the people that he could reign over Israel
forever along with his sons. Gideon told the people to let God rule over them, But we see once he died the people went back to there old ways let Satan come in ( verses 33-35 ) and forgot about what God had done through Gideon. Many times in the area of education once we as educators get to that point we forget about God and the teachings we teach can easily be influenced by the enemy. Many times when a person makes it big they forget about their family and start doing things that please the enemy. In 1st Chronicles 1:17 it tells how God has made a great nation by delivering us from evil. In Matthew 17:18 Jesus spoke and rebuked a devil. We cannot allow forget what God has done for us and go back to allowing Satan to come in. Reign, Reign, Go Away.
In my next example in the Word I start in 1st Kings 11:25-40. Jerobaum gets word from the prophet Ahijah that he is going to reign over ten tribes of Israel and flees until the death of Solomon. As he takes the throne
( 1st Kings 13:20 ) he immediately forgets about God and does the unthinkable ( verses 25-33 ). In fact in almost every passage about a terrible King they refer to Jerobaum as the originator of the sins of Israel. Your business is making the wealth but you cannot find time to not only go to church but tell others of the great works of Christ. You have favor with someone in government but your agenda only includes you and yours. You have just signed a huge contract for your, song, movie and/or play but now you follow the ways of the world. This is not how you advance the kingdom of God in fact you are hurting it. In the case of Jerobaum his legacy was removed some 300 years later ( 2nd Kings 23:13-16 ). You have to be careful of not forgetting about God because you allow the enemy to reign supreme. In 2nd Chronicles 7:14 God it tells of what God expects us to do. In Mark 5:8 being a child of King Jesus we can command unclean spirits to come out. Satan has no hold on us. Reign Reign, Go Away.
In my last example in the Word I go to Acts 8:9-11. In this passage we see where Simon is a person who is held in high regard. He practices sorcery and other things that Satan has given him to do. But in verse 13 we
see where he has given his life to Christ. In verse 18-19 though we see where the enemy still has reign over him. Many times in the social media world we mean to do great works for the Lord but then when the enemy pushes our buttons we allow him to come in and tell people off by cursing or other mean things. Then other times we beat down other believers for how the dress talk and or think as we try to advance our own agenda that is not spirit led. In verses 20-23 Peter rebukes him to the point in verse 24 Simon again repents. In Genesis 3:14 God made the enemy crawl on the ground the rest of its days. In Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus was tempted by the enemy but did not waver. Reign, Reign, Go Away.
In closing we cannot let the enemy take control of our youth, make us forget about our seniors, control laws and statutes, be any near our education process, get into our families, allow our arts and entertainment be changed for his will, be comfortable with the religion of the four walls, let negative social media be influential more than anything else ( I was once told that if it was on Facebook it was true, Really??? ), and let the businesses that God helped us start change perspective because of the quick buck that the enemy tricks us with. We are leaders, warriors, Change agents, conquerors and much more. I am proud of each and every one of you as from this point on you tell Satan, Reign, Reign, Go Away. Never come back. I give God all the glory for this theme for the month, Reign in November based on Luke 19:13-14. I pray that you have enjoyed these teachings. May God bless you all. I am a writer for I am on Facebook with daily encouragement as Frederick Wesley. I did a radio show this week on blog talk radio called Reign Today, Gone Tomorrow. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. Congrats all on a great month. Happy Birthday Queen LaShaunda Stroud. Join me next month for a new theme. It is going to be the bomb.
In my base scripture for the month, Luke 19:13-14 it speaks of a parable of how the citizens hated the man sent to occupy and reign over them. As a Christian you have many people who will not let you reign over
them. But there is also the enemy who is forever busy. He does want to reign over you with confusion, chaos, backbiting, adultery, fornication, lust, alcoholism, hatred, envy and mayhem. The enemy does not want people of faith to be part of educating the masses about Christ, being a family unit in Christ, having businesses that are faith based and blessed by Christ, doing things in government in the name of Christ, being active in arts and entertainment in support of Christ, posting faith based messages in the social media, or doing things to shake up the doldrums of religion to advance the kingdom of God. The enemy will never give up. If God had to expel him from heaven ( Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-15 ) we know that he is not done with any of us here on earth. In the next three passages I will look at three examples in the Word that tells Satan, Reign, Reign Go Away.
In the first example I go the Book of Judges. I start in the 8th chapter verses 22-23. Gideon ( Jerubbaal was the name his earthly father, Joash gave him ) was told that by the people that he could reign over Israel
forever along with his sons. Gideon told the people to let God rule over them, But we see once he died the people went back to there old ways let Satan come in ( verses 33-35 ) and forgot about what God had done through Gideon. Many times in the area of education once we as educators get to that point we forget about God and the teachings we teach can easily be influenced by the enemy. Many times when a person makes it big they forget about their family and start doing things that please the enemy. In 1st Chronicles 1:17 it tells how God has made a great nation by delivering us from evil. In Matthew 17:18 Jesus spoke and rebuked a devil. We cannot allow forget what God has done for us and go back to allowing Satan to come in. Reign, Reign, Go Away.
In my next example in the Word I start in 1st Kings 11:25-40. Jerobaum gets word from the prophet Ahijah that he is going to reign over ten tribes of Israel and flees until the death of Solomon. As he takes the throne
( 1st Kings 13:20 ) he immediately forgets about God and does the unthinkable ( verses 25-33 ). In fact in almost every passage about a terrible King they refer to Jerobaum as the originator of the sins of Israel. Your business is making the wealth but you cannot find time to not only go to church but tell others of the great works of Christ. You have favor with someone in government but your agenda only includes you and yours. You have just signed a huge contract for your, song, movie and/or play but now you follow the ways of the world. This is not how you advance the kingdom of God in fact you are hurting it. In the case of Jerobaum his legacy was removed some 300 years later ( 2nd Kings 23:13-16 ). You have to be careful of not forgetting about God because you allow the enemy to reign supreme. In 2nd Chronicles 7:14 God it tells of what God expects us to do. In Mark 5:8 being a child of King Jesus we can command unclean spirits to come out. Satan has no hold on us. Reign Reign, Go Away.
In my last example in the Word I go to Acts 8:9-11. In this passage we see where Simon is a person who is held in high regard. He practices sorcery and other things that Satan has given him to do. But in verse 13 we
see where he has given his life to Christ. In verse 18-19 though we see where the enemy still has reign over him. Many times in the social media world we mean to do great works for the Lord but then when the enemy pushes our buttons we allow him to come in and tell people off by cursing or other mean things. Then other times we beat down other believers for how the dress talk and or think as we try to advance our own agenda that is not spirit led. In verses 20-23 Peter rebukes him to the point in verse 24 Simon again repents. In Genesis 3:14 God made the enemy crawl on the ground the rest of its days. In Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus was tempted by the enemy but did not waver. Reign, Reign, Go Away.
In closing we cannot let the enemy take control of our youth, make us forget about our seniors, control laws and statutes, be any near our education process, get into our families, allow our arts and entertainment be changed for his will, be comfortable with the religion of the four walls, let negative social media be influential more than anything else ( I was once told that if it was on Facebook it was true, Really??? ), and let the businesses that God helped us start change perspective because of the quick buck that the enemy tricks us with. We are leaders, warriors, Change agents, conquerors and much more. I am proud of each and every one of you as from this point on you tell Satan, Reign, Reign, Go Away. Never come back. I give God all the glory for this theme for the month, Reign in November based on Luke 19:13-14. I pray that you have enjoyed these teachings. May God bless you all. I am a writer for I am on Facebook with daily encouragement as Frederick Wesley. I did a radio show this week on blog talk radio called Reign Today, Gone Tomorrow. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. Congrats all on a great month. Happy Birthday Queen LaShaunda Stroud. Join me next month for a new theme. It is going to be the bomb.
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