Anti-Cruelty Society ( Reign over the Hate )

Good morning and Happy Friday. The theme of the month is Reign in November based on Luke 19:13-14. As I have started a new job in the downtown area I am loving it. Each day I get off the train I thank God that I have a job and work in this area. On my way in I have to walk sometimes from the train because of the schedule of the bus and my time frame to get there does not match. Or even sometimes like today I went to go get my friend a lunch and I had to go by this place. Last Saturday I was on the bus and even the bus driver mentioned she was going to this place. I have a soft spot for animals and always wanted a dog even after what happen to King ( Pooh Dog ) when I was younger. This place not only has dogs but a variety of animals that need a home after being abandoned or forgotten about. It hurts my heart to see the dogs caged ( I can see them as I walk past the window ) and with little to no hope of being adopted before they are put to sleep forever. This place is called the Anti-Cruelty Society. I as a Christian have a soft spot in my heart but can look at a homeless person with anger and contempt. That does not line up with the Word of God. So in this blog I attempt to start a human being Anti-Cruelty Society.

The Anti-Cruelty Society was founded in 1899 by five individuals who looked at the way 50,000 old, sick and ill-cared horses were being treated. In the this time as well you had dogs and cats roaming the streets
looking for something to eat. The Anti-Cruelty has a mission statement that goes as the follows; Building a community of caring by helping pets and educating people. I work in a high end building where pets, mostly dogs are treated as if they were human. From having coats, hats and gloves some of them are dressed better than me. As a Christian I am charged by the Word to love every one ( John 13:34-35 my base scripture for I Love you In August ). As a Christian I am not supposed to hate any one, thing or person even if a I am opposed to it. I have to show love at all times. But I as most of the world have become evil and hateful to certain groups of people. So today I want to begin Anti-Cruelty Society to three areas I know I have been cruel to others in.

In my first example of my being cruel I always was brought up to think that a man sleeping with a man is wrong and a woman sleeping with a woman was wrong. I would look at Genesis the 18th chapter, Leviticus
anti gay
18:22, Deuteronomy 22:5 and many more scriptures that could give a background on how God feels about the acts of one who may be gay or a lesbian. But does that mean that I look down or be cruel to some one who does that. I mean society has more compassion for a murderer than a person who is gay/lesbian. There has to be love for all. In Luke 23:34 Jesus forgave those who were persecuting us. I am not a supporter of the alternative lifestyle but I will make a effort to be Anti-Cruelty Society about this.

The next group of people whom I had sort of a cruelty for would be the homeless people I come in contact with. In one of my previous blogs I spoke about how Chicago has a vast amount of people who are
homeless. In Matthew 8:20 we see where Jesus was homeless. In traveling to and fro he would often sleep or even eat in places that were not the best living arrangements at the time. Many of the homeless have went through a lot. In riding public transportation there are many who belong in mental institutions but because of closure of these facilities there are among us. So stopping to offer a meal ( if you know they are going to use if for other things offer to take them in the restaurant yourself ), give them a kind word or offer prayer. Giving them a tract or quoting scripture is find but they have no reference to follow up. As I look in the Word Proverbs 19:17, Psalms 34:17-20, Matthew 25:35 and Philippians 4:19. I am a member of the Anti-Cruelty Society for the homeless.

My last example of being cruel to others is how we as Christians cannot tolerate other Christians. Baptist, Pentecostal, Apostolic, COGIC and other denominations have different ideas on what it takes to not only
 get to heaven and also have heaven here on earth. Then even in the different churches there is too much hatred going on. Brother Jones talks to every woman and ask for their number. Sister Johnson daughter has on a dress that is to short or wore pants to church. Pastor Smith spoke to long today. What church does not give out communion every first Sunday. The bad part of this cruelty is that most times it occurs after getting out of services. Wow. Really? I look at myself because at times I am guilty of this cruelty. I look at Proverbs 16:28, Romans 16:17-18, Psalm 15:1-3 and James 4:11-12 for just a few reference points on what the Word says about this. I am now a member of the Anti-Cruelty Society for fellow Christians.

In closing I want to be a better person all around. There are many more groups that we are cruel to like strippers, hookers, pimps, drug dealers, law enforcement, leaders, seniors, the youth, alcoholics, other races creeds or people different from us. Society can be cruel in general.It does not matter who you are cruelty can rear its ugly head. In John 3:1-27 Nicodemus came to Jesus for answers even though he was a ruler in the Pharisee sect. He knew Jesus had answers. And he listened to him so much that in John 7:50-53 he was reviled because he knew that Jesus was the way. To God be the glory and bless all those who may read this. Let us begin to Reign over Hate and become members of the Anti-Cruelty Society against humans. I am a writer for I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. I will finally do a show again this week on blog talk radio and my show is Brand New Week, Brand New Attitude. Reign in November all. Join me for my next blog, It Takes One to No One. Have a great weekend.


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