Reign of A Champion

Good morning. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. Based on Luke 19:13-14 the theme of the month is Reign in November. As we start this week in America there is the anticipations of elections. There will be elections for congressional seats, judicial seats and even other issues will be on some ballots. But the most important election will be for the presidency of the United States of America. Regardless of which candidate is elected there is going to be changes in this country. As a  supporter of one candidate I cannot be discouraged if my candidate does not win. As a supporter of one candidate I cannot gloat if my candidate wins. There has to ba a level ground. In life there are times when you go into battle with things and they get the best of you. That is a fact. In life there are times when you get the best of some situations. That is a fact also. But whether you are winning or losing at any particular point you have a responsibility to yourself and others to Reign as a Champion each and every day.
As we move deeper into the month of November showing your Reign of a Champion is pivotal for the world and all those around you can see. During your Reign of a Champion you can affect and change

areas that need changing. You can change the way television and movies portray Christian values.  You can change how social media is portrayed by some as the work of the devil and use it to educate those who cannot see its vast usage. You can change the way the world thinks of the family unit as being not as important as it should be. You can change how religion is portrayed as stuck up and for the few. You can can change how we edcuate the future which is our children. You can change how the faith based busuiness can be productive and fulfilling to the consumer. You can cna change the way the government does business by practicing your right to vote. In the next 3 paragrahs I am going to show three examples in the Word of God of the Reign Of a Champion.

In the book of Genesis we see a man who Reigned as a Champion when all others failed. In the book of Genesis we see the introduction of a a right and just man. I the 6th Chapter we are introduced to Noah. We
Venus Williams
we see where the world was doing whatever they wanted to do. The had forgotten about the things that God had done for them. So in Genesis 6:8 we see where Noah has found favor in the sight of God. As we move into Genesis 7:1-4 we see God has given Noah the command that he is going change things around and let Noah reign over all that will be left on the world. We must Reign as a Champion when God provides the resources for us to reign. Sometimes there has to be rain in order for us to reign. In Genesis 9:1-18 we see where God makes a covenant with him. Be obedient like Noah and you to can Reign as a Champion.

In my next example of a Reign of a Champion in the Word of God I go all the way to the New Testament. Even when you reign sometimes the things that you change are a way to prepare a way for another person
to step forward and make the necassary changes. In the book of Matthew 1:13 we see the first mention of a man preparing a way for someone else. This man is John the Baptist. John knew his assignment was to prepare the world for the coming of Jesus. He knew that his Reign of a Champion was to affect change of the way people viewed God. In Luke 3:16-17 we see where John the Baptist tells the people of his assignment and how there will be one who is greater than he. We are able to Reign as a Champion because Christ died for our sins. Prepare the way for others to reign as well.

In my last example of the Reign of a Champion I want to go to one of ny favorite books and to one of my favorite men in the Bible and that would be Peter. During the life of Christ Peter was called Cephas which
means a rock. In Acts the 3rd chapter Peter speaks with all of the authority that Christ taught and gave him to Reign as a Champion. In Chapter 4 he coninues to Reign as a Champion as he teaches and even has the Saducees come to him to question this teaching on Jesus. As we Reign as a Champion this month and all of our lives do so as you know the Holy Spirit lives in us as in did in Peter at that time. Reign with Authority.

In closing continue throughout the rest of the year to Reign as a Champion. God has given you an assignment to go into the world and rule. We have God the Father with us always. We have Jesus who died for our sins as the ultinate sacrifice still helping us. And the Holy Spirit as a guide. There are times when our reign has not been that great but we still have a chance to reign a to change, to prepare and with authority as the Champions we are. I give God all the glory. I am a writer for ( still waiting for release date ). I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. I am going to be doing my radi show on blog talk radio called Brand new week. Brand new attitude. Join me for my blog called House of Blues on Friday. Have a great week. P.S. The church I attend Valley Kingdom Ministries Intermational celebrated its 4th year anniversary. This woman pictured, Angela L. Francis was feted as
the longest tenured member of the choir as she has been part of the choir for 32 years of her life. That is how a person reigns as a Champion. Known here for the last 6 years and it has been nice. Congrats on your plaque and being feted.


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