Silence of the Lambs

Good morning and Happy Friday. As I end another week I am basking in the month of Gratitude in September based on 1st Samuel 7:9-12. As I look back over my life this was the month when my son Marcus was born ( September 11, 1988 ) and the month my friends Angela twins were born September 20. This was also the month of when I got married. Unfortunately it did not work because of many reasons. Most of them stemmed from me. You see when I had proposed to my then wife to be I told no one except my parents and announced at the church we attended. But as I have explained in many other blogs my life at 101st and St. Lawrence was kept separate from my other life. When I got to work at the government agency that my Aunt Elnora I would be spending time with Tanya Williams as well as other women. When I got in the hood ( where I lived ) I messed around with Kim Allen who was my sister Glo's best friend in grammar school. My friends Melvin and Darell Chaney, Mike Jones and Carey Wade had no idea until the week of I was getting married and neither did Tanya or Kim knew I was getting married. My future wife had no idea of what was happening either. I never did own up to any of this. Many times in our Christian walk there are so many things that God has done for us but we act as though it is a secret and do not want to tell the world. We are children of the most high but most times we quiet. The world has made us scared and unaware. We are the Silence of the Lambs.

In this Christian walk it is not easy showing the faith and love God has for us. Believers in Christ has other who down what you have to say about Christ. The want you to become Jehovah Witnesses or Muslim or
 even Sciencetologist. The non believers of Christ do not want to exhibit any outward praise or gratitude for Christ. You cannot worship him in the open or try to impose your beliefs while the people who do not believe in Christ have television commercials, radio shows and are people in the public eye all the time. I go to to and look up the word silence and see it means the following; the absence of sound or noise, stillness, the state or a fact being silent or the omission or the absence of a expressed concern or comment. I also look up the word lamb. It means as follows; a young sheep, a person who is gentle, meek Innocent. So when looking at these definitions I look at myself and can see I am part of the problem. I am Silence of the Lambs.

As I look in the Word of God I see an example of someone being silent about who God is. In 1st Samuel 2:12 -17 we are introduced to the sons of the priest Eli. These young men did not know God and took things
such as the meat that was being offered to God as a sacrifice. Even though Eli he attempted to ( verses 22-25 ) they refused to listen and in verses 26-36 God tells him what is going to happen with his silence. Many times we see things on television we know are not right or things in the newspaper that we know are wrong or biased but continue that absence of sound and noise and remain innocent when approached about Jesus dying for our sins.We get silent when the Holy Spirit guides us to write to shut these shows down or boycott the newspapers. We act as if we do not know God. In 1st Samuel 4:10-18 God delivered on his promise. Let us not be like Eli and be silent. Let us see some Christian value television and create more faith based social media. This is one way to change the silence of the Lambs.

In another example of in the Word of someone being silent and not giving God the glory comes from the book of Jonah. We see in that God gave Jonah and assignment in Jonah 1:1-2. But we see where Jonah
goes the to where he wants to go. Jonah gets on the ship and there is a great storm ( verse 4 ). In continuing on we see in the following verses ( 5-17 ) that after they found out he was a man of God they cast him out to the sea and he was swallowed in the belly of a great fish. I at times have wanted to make a difference in the area of business and in government but too many times I have in the state or fact of being silent and meek. Even in Chapter 3 when Jonah received his assignment he still took his time and hoped his enemies, the people of Nineveh ( Assyrians who were the oppressors of Israel at the time ) did not listen and were destroyed. But in Chapter 4 he is mad because they did accept God even though they were not God's chosen people. Some people are meant to help businesses not have a great ministry. Some of us can change laws just by voting or writing to elected official. We can help our enemies accept Christ and be no longer Silence of the Lambs.

In my last example in the Word of God I go the New Testament, I go to Galatians 2:11-21. We see where Peter had been hanging with the people of Galatia and even eating among them but when he got with other
Jews he turned his back on the Gentiles. How many times do we get meek in  omission or the absence of a expressed concern or comment. We refuse to help family members especially seniors who need help. We take no interest in the education of our youth. We do take pride in the religion of the past and be able to incorporate ideas of the present. Paul wanted Peter to step up. The gift of God had been offered to the Gentiles long ago ( See Jonah ) so it should not had been no problem being around them when the people of God were around. We can visit seniors in the homes and in our families more often. We can attend the meetings the schools have even if we have no children attending. We can embrace the old time saints ideas of church and mix it with this time. This is how we unsilence the lambs.
In closing we know that Jesus was the lamb for us all. We see in Isaiah 40:10-11 how his coming was foretold. We see in John 1:29-37 how Jesus is referred as the Lamb. We know he died for our sins so we should never be silence. He is our Shepherd so we as lambs should never be weak or timid. I cannot speak for any one else but I will not be part of the Silence of the Lambs any more. I give God all the glory. Gratitude in September. I write for the Blogtalk radio host of Brand New Week, Brand new attitude radio. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley and on twitter @brandneweek. Have a great weekend, Join me for my next blog called Yes I Can.


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