Gratitude of a Champion
In the this video above we see women who shattered the 4x100 Olympic record in the 2012 Olympics. The women, Tianna Madison, Bianca Knight, Carmelita Jeter and Allyson Felix worked together to achieve goal and became not only Olympic champions but household names as well. They trained hard and put in work to not only become champions but to set a new world record. They were all grateful in interviews. But
In reading the Word recently I came across a story of this man who was nameless but had the gratitude of a Champion. This man is introduced in John the 9th chapter. We see in verses 1-2 the questions the disciples had asked the man who knew the answers to the question. In verses 3-7 we see where there was an opportunity for Jesus to perform a work to show he was the light of the world. The earlier part of this year and the latter part of last year I stayed in a home a family that he was trying to sell but had been foreclosed. For those months I had no water and no heat. I remember when I had to go my uncle's funeral and I showered before the water was cut off and when my nose ran the stuff that came out was freezing. I could have given up but I thank God for allowing me a place to stay besides a shelter. In the world I want to bring education of Christ as well as bring Christ to the forefront of arts and entertainment. It can be done. We see the blind man followed directions and to the pool of Siloam ( Sent ) to wash his eyes. However he leads me I will be trying to make changes in this area.
As I move deeper in this lesson you can see in verses 8-10 that some were confused by the changes that happened to the man. They doubted his ability to even say who he actually was. In verses 11-12 he speaks of his assignment again. But just like the people of today we see in verses 13-23 they were afraid so they took him to the leaders of the church and some of them were government officials also. They questioned his parents who were afraid to answer for fear of being kicked out of the church. I have a issue with the government in courts but am not afraid because I have gratitude that God will fix it. My book I Slept with the Choir may not ever be sold in any Christian book store but the message of coming back to God is what it actually portrays. We cannot be scared as Christians to change some things. I am not saying all but some things. Only God can judge you. We have to prosper in our assignment.
Finally I come to the point of how the nameless man showed the gratitude of a Champion. Under intense questioning he gave an answer of gratitude. He said " whether he be sinner or no, I know not, one thing I know whereas I was blind, now I see". The answered puzzled the Pharisees as they were getting divided on the issue of if he was Christ or not and even challenged him again in verse 28-29. The man continued in verse 30 and 31 to defend Jesus but in verse 32-33 he says that since the beginning of time no man's eyes has ever been opened and God had to be in this. In verse 34 they did not want to hear him anymore. As I said my business idea for the Repair Shop remains viable to me. My family did not know my situation because I know what God can do. Despite not being able to start my blog and writing for I never gave up. See in these situations I never gave up because I had the gratitude of the Champion to just have breathe in my body. In verses 35-41 we see where Jesus came in and saved the man and explains to those who judged the man on earth what has happened. As of this writing I am working and have other things in the process of doing. I never questioned Jesus just like the blind man. I still have the gratitude of a Champion even though things are better.
In closing I want you to never give up no matter if the government seems to not want to listen, your church leaders do not support your ministry or ideas, your family does not believe in your dreams, your business seems far fetched or failing, your goals for your arts and entertainment are not met in the time you expected, your book, blog or web page is not taking off, your school you started is not going well, give God the gratitude. I used one example in this blog but there are many, some which I will cover in future blogs. So whether you are in Russia, Sweden, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Ireland, India or Germany always show the Gratitude of a Champion. I thank God for sending Jesus to die for our sins so I have the right to blessings here on earth and eternal life afterward. To God be the glory. I am still doing my blog talk radio show called Brand new week. Brand new attitude and my next show will be Thank You Lord ( I also have archived shows as well ). I am a writer for Daily on Facebook I encourage people so look me up as Frederick Wesley. Follow me on twitter @brandnewweek as I also encourage with faith based tweets. I also still have my book out called I Slept with the Choir ( I will have copies for ten dollars as of this writing ). I want to thank Minister Kim Baker of Valley Kingdom Ministry International for helping see my potential. Jesus is the light of the world. And I extend my gratitude to my followers of my blog. Only 3 right now but appreciate the 3. Join me later this week for my blog tentatively called Gorilla in our Midst.
P.S On Sunday September 2 2012 the Holy Warriors, the Quiz Team Champions of Valley Kingdom Ministries International took on the Alpha and Omega Team from Valley Kingdom East. The Holy Warriors are the Champions of the 1st Quiz Team Challenge which covered the book of Ephesians chapters 1,2, and 3. Pictured below are myself, Kayla, and her sister Zipporrah, and co teacher Tawana Williams ( Big ups to Ms. Tawana Williams she being an educator taught some on fire and on point lessons and taught when I was absent 3 times. I love you Ms. Williams ). And at the top, Deon the Captain, Eric and the MVP of the Holy Warriors 11 year old Calah. Also congrats to the Champions of Valley Kingdom East Alpah and Omega taught by Jacqueline Bowens and Alfred Allen. We all were recent graduates of Teachers Training Courses so I pat us all on the back. To God be the glory.
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