How Long Will You Mourn Me ?

 Good morning and Happy Friday. As we end the month of Gratitude in September I once again think back to something that happened in my youth. My Mother bought me and my sister a dog. We decided to name the dog King but my Mother nicknamed him Pooh Dog since he never grew to be very tall. Those who know my Mother knows that she does this voice and acts like a dog may be talking and to me it is hilarious but I would communicate with King aka Poo dog through my Mother's voice. As a young boy I had a tendency to not clean up after the Pooh, walk Pooh or spend much time after Pooh after the newness of him coming into our home had worn off. So the responsibility that should have been squarely on my shoulder I passed along to my Mother who had a full time job and two children to care for and sometimes my other sisters when they were over. But instead of taking care of the dog my Mother shipped Pooh Dog away to Florida. I as well as my sister Angela was sad. One day Mother called and said Pooh Dog had gotten run over by a car and died. I mourned about Pooh Dog for days. I move to the present and look at some of the jobs I have lost, some of the people who have gone on and some of the relationships lost and sometimes get sad  and still mourn. But being filled by the blood of the Lamb I had to step back and  ask myself a question? How long will I mourn over things that are gone?

As I begin this blog I want to go to to look up the meaning of the word mourn. The word mourn means as follows; to feel or express sorrow or grief, to grieve or lament for the dead, to utter in a
sorrowful manner. Many times in my life I have expressed sorrow or grief that I did not achieve the things I wanted in opening up a business or being influential in government. There have been times where I have grieved over a failed arts and entertainment venture, grieved over failed family relationships and lamented over the times I had a chance to further my education, I have had the misfortune to utter in a sorrowful manner the way the media outlets portray Christianity in a poor light and how those of us in who believe in Christ just let this continue  on. In 1st Corinthians 15:22 it says in Christ all should be made alive. In the next paragraphs I will use 3 examples of How Long will you mourn me in the Bible.

In looking in the Word I go to one of my favorite books of the Bible, 1st Samuel ( I guess you are saying does he read any other books in the Bible Lol ) the 15th and 16th Chapter. In the 15th Chapter Saul is
given an assignment by God to destroy the Amaleks and to not leave anything or take anything from them. Saul does destroy the all the Amaleks but instead takes all that was good from the land of the Amalek ( verse 9 ). This makes God so angry that he has Samuel go talk to Saul. In previous chapters we see where Samuel through God was responsible for Saul becoming king. I as a man of faith at this time want to start a business to help Father's reunite with their children. But I do not have time now so I need to help out other initiatives who assist the youth with maybe a monetary contribution. I could see what the government may have as far as programs for youth and seniors in my hood. I cannot express sorrow and grief I must accept some kind of assignment to advance the kingdom of God or help those who are already involved. As we move the the 16th God as Samuel how long will he mourn Saul because he will no longer be king no matter what. How long will we mourn over what is happening in our world today.

In the next example of the Word I go to Ezekiel 24:15-27. In looking at previous chapters we see that Ezekiel was of the lineage of a priest. So for him to go to living well in Judah and have to come into exile
could have made him go into mourning but he kept going. In this particular passage of scripture we see where God removes Ezekiel's wife from his life forever and commands Ezekiel not to mourn or say anything. There have been so many times I have lamented that I did not follow the instructions of God by writing poetry that honors him so I could have made an impact in the arts and entertainment world. How I have lamented over times I had not been there for my family. How many times I have grieved and lamented over not finishing my education or even helping those in education. With my blogging I hope that one person catches the feeling and starts their own plays, poetry readings or continue painting or doing graphic arts. I continue to try to rebuild not only relationships within my family but even those I had a mental and physical relationship with to show them how God can change people. I am know a teacher not just in the four walls of the church but also in the world who needs to know about the great news of Christ. Ezekiel's assignment was to show them how mighty God is. How can we do that if we are still in mourning.

In my last example of in the Word of I look in the Book of John 20:19-30. I pick up where the disciples, those men that could heal the sick, cast out demons and save souls are locked it a place in fear of what the
people in power are going to do to them. They had seen the magnificent power of Jesus yet they lived in fear. As we move further in this passage we see where Doubting Thomas does not believe he has risen ( verse 24 ). How many times have we uttered in a sorrowful manner about a news story or a social media posting or story. How many times have we uttered in a sorrowful manner in the direction the church is going in. We have to set a standard of what is going to seen by us in the social media. I refuse to look at porn in general or the Internet so please do not send me any. I want to be involved with people of the like mind but want to be open enough so my words and blogs can reach those who may not believe in Christ. I want my blog to open up people who are just into religion that the four walls will not make it anymore. There is a kingdom to overcome. We know what God can do as he has blessed us time and time again. There is no need to put our hands in his holes to see he is real. How long will will mourn him.
In closing we can make changes in all of the areas I mentioned. Time has played out for mourning over loss of a job, finances, opportunities, promotions, businesses, educational chances, public offices, failed plays, religious ideas, things we wished we told loved ones before they passed away, and for a media campaign or book idea that did not work out. Pick yourself up and keep it moving. In Matthew 12:40 it says we know not the hour the Son of Man will return. Will he come at a time you are mourning or have said to yourself I am going to be a Champion no matter what. I want to thank all those who read my blogs. To those in America to those all over the world. To God be the Glory. I am a writer for I have a radio show on blog talk radio called Brand New Week. Brand new Attitude. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley giving inspiring and encouraging faith based messages daily and on twitter @brandnewweek. I want to thank all those who supported me in the month of Gratitude in September. I am looking for faith based music, any kind of genre, writings or pictures to use in my blogs. If you think I cannot use it I probably can. You can email me at and I will look it over. Once again shout out to my Holy Warriors. Still Champions. Join me for my next blog which will be the theme for October. Have a great weekend.


  1. Keep up the good work Fred! Like the new thing the Lord is doing in you. Keep focused. Remember the enemy want to kill your testimony and degrade our character. He tries to bring havoc. Be watchful, fight the good fight of faith and pray. God is still in the blessing business!


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