English Lesson ( Homophones )
While growing we used homophones or homonyms constantly to try to confuse others or what we called a play on words ( meaning we used say a word that sounded like the word dam but when caught we said we meant the word dam ). So the song above has basically give us the meaning for homophones so I do not have to actually give the definition for that. But since I am giving and English lesson I have to show how to use homophones in ways that you never knew how. So for this English lesson I am to use the homophones dew, do and due and use them in a Biblical fashion to try to teach about homophones in a Biblical sense. So let me begin the first homophone dew.
In looking at the word dew I want to go to Dictionary.com and I see the meaning as follows; moisture condensed from the atmosphere, especially at night, and deposited in the form of small drops upon any cool surface. In looking at the Bible I go to Deuteronomy 32:2-3 and see how just the words from your mouth can make small drops seem like rain in the people who are not saved. The most time the dew is effective is in the dark and we see how families about how they feel about each other and how we in the religion area are not being moisture condensed from the atmosphere. They unsaved are mostly out in the dark and at night. Most families have a parent who works nights so they need dew from us to watch over there families while at work. Religion needs dew to be able to stay the course and close. In Luke 15:1-7 we see where Jesus walked among the unsaved. He gave dew to those who actually needed it. The families and religion needs us.
The second word of this English lesson on homophones is do. I go back to Dictionary.com to get the meaning of do and it as follows; to perform, to execute, to accomplish, finish complete. As you can see the word do is a verb, an action word whereas dew can be used as a noun and verb. As I look in the Bible I see in the book of Amos 7:10-17 the priest Amaziah told King Jeroboam that Amos was speaking against the kingdom of Israel and Amaziah told him to stop. But Amos had to do the work of the Lord, to finish, to accomplish, to perform, to execute what God had for him to do. As much works as it takes I make sure I do my assignments in the arts and entertainment areas and in the social media. My radio show is Brand new week, Brand new attitude is w work in progress but I am still working at it despite what the enemy wants me to give up. My blog has been seen by over 1200 views and I have 2 followers. My Facebook page is encouraging people as well as my twitter ( brandnewweek ) and when thegeekchicmag.com is launched although it is not stories based on the Bible like this blog it will be motivating and encouraging. In Acts 8:5-13 we see where Philip went in to Samaria to do his assignment.Samaria was not considered to be the chosen people because they were not of pure Jewish blood. But he went to do the work of God.
The last word on the English lesson on homophones is the word due. I go again to Dictionary.com to see the meaning of the word due and it means as follows; owed at present, having reached the date for payment, rightful, proper, adequate and sufficient. As I look in the Bible we can see in 1st Chronicles 16:24-29 we can see what is rightful and proper to give unto God. We are reached the date of payment in the areas of better education for our children inside the church and in the world. We are owed at the present for better government by the Republicans and the Democrats. We have adequate and sufficient ideas for our businesses but we have to trust in our plan and then execute it. Yes I want to still be a motivational speaker as well as do the Repair Shop. Yes I want to be able to change laws like bringing prayer back in school. Yes I want still teach Sunday School and attempt to teach here. We see in Romans 13:7-14 another instance of what is due.
So in closing I pray that you were blessed with my English Lesson on homophones. The one I used we all can use in our lives. We can be dew to those who may need just a fresh dampness or those who are in a dark cool place as in the seniors. We can do things dynamic like helping the homeless population which is skyrocketing. We can help give the youth what is due to them and make sure they are safe going to school or in the streets by talking to them and setting rules. We are the chosen people. The Jews and the Gentiles. Have a blessed day. Great job this month. Join me for my next blog the theme for next month.
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