The Love Of A Champion
In these times we have love for almost everything. Some of us loved watching the Olympics. Most of us loved being out of school this summer. Even more of us loves that God saw fit to love us. God is such an awesome God that he allows us free will ( Joshua 24:15 ) to chose to love him or not. I have countless stories on how God has brought me from a mighty long way. So for me to just give him just plain love for me will not do. I am going to love on God with the Love of a Champion. A love above all other love. One that will never go away. I am going to use three people in the Bible to show how they loved on God as a Champion. Jacob, Mordeci and Paul.
In the book of Genesis I see my first example of Love of a Champion. I see it in the story f Jacob and Rachel. In the 29th Chapter we see where Jacob goes to do the proper thing and goes to Rachel's father, Laban to marry her. He shows the love of a Champion by working seven years as if it were a few days. After being tricked by Laban he still worked another seven years to be with Rachel. Sometime your business ideas may be stagnant, your dealings with the government may not be going well, your scripts for the television shows or you poetry or graphic arts may not be noticed but do not give up. When you have the Love of a Champion God notices. If you have the love of a Champion for God nothing is impossible.
In the book of Esther we see the story of Mordecai. Mordecai had the love of a Champion as he saved the king from getting killed, refused to bow down to a man, raised a queen and saved his people from extermination. Yes Esther had to do the work in order to get the king to change his mind but Mordecai stood in the way of impending death by not following the King's decree and bowing to Haman. But the same gallows that Haman built for Mordecai was used on Haman and the position that Haman had went to Mordecai. The love a champion can change the way you look at family members who are still doing things not right in the eyes of God but love on them. Sometimes we look at our religion processes and are not happy but we must continue to love. Love of a Champion is what God is owed but how great is it when God returns that love.
The last person who showed the love of a champion for God was Paul. When he was Saul he did the work of the enemy. As we look in Acts the 9th Chapter he was doing his job again when God showed him love and made his way straight. Paul the showed the love of a champion for Christ as he is responsible for at least 13 books in the new testament showing the love of a champion for God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He was beaten, bitten by a snake, jailed and laughed at but still showed the love of a champion to God. We need to show love in the education areas by staying involved no matter what. We need to push social media further to spread the Gospel. God has unlimited love for us. We need to have the love of a champion for him.
In closing we know that God is our Champion. He sent his Son to to die for our sins. He left the Holy Spirit here to guide us in our lives. He has done so much for me as I know he has done for you. As I extend love to all of you I urge you to give God your championship love each and everyday just for waking us up. That shows his love for us daily. I love you as a Champion God. To God be the glory. Join me on twitter @brandnewfwes. On Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I write for the Check out my blogtalk radio show called Brand New Week. Brand new attitude ( shows are archived ). I still have my book called I Slept with the Choir. Join me for my next called Repair Shop. Have a great weekend.
To God be the glory forever...Amen. Loved this artcle Mr Wesley. Keep up the good word and may God bless you always. Love you in August...