Domestic Abuse

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. Today I once again look back over some things in my life. As I grew up I had 3 places that I had to focus my life around just like many youth today. I had to focus on my church life, my school life and my neighborhood life. In each of these areas I had different people I dealt with. In church I had friends but mostly my familiy as my cousins and I were raised almost as we were siblings. My school life I had different friends like John Ellerbe and the now syndicated radio host Michael Baisden. When I got around my hood I had Michael Jones and Darrell Chaney ( RIP fellas ). But in all 3 places I knew of people who were considered whores. At Second Mt. Vernon there was a member who stripped. At my  school there was a peron who slept with any one. And in my neighborhood on 103rd and 109th and Michigan there were whores who walked the street. In all places we looked down on the whores and would call them outcasts. Although their lifestyles were different from ours we bascially committed domestic abuse because they were not accepted in the church, school, or anywhere. Today I say we end the domestic abuse and extend some love towards them.

This song above deals with domestic abuse verbally shown to this woman who was trying to feed her family the best way she could. Many of us abuse the so called undesirables with our holier than thou attitude. We have degrees but they do not. We have cars and great jobs why not her. She is sleeping with everyone but we do no extend a hand to offer prayer or even pay a bill to show the whore that there is a better way. When I say we I point the biggest finger at myself because at the church, in my school and in my hood I talked about them and still may say some bad things about them although my life is not perfect and I still sin even though I try not to. In looking up the words domesttic and abuse in I see the meanings as follows; for domestic: of or pertaining to the home, the household, household affairs or the family; devoted to home life or husehold affairs; tame, domesticated. The word abuse means as follows; to use wrongly or improperly, misuse, to treat harmful, injurious, or offensive way, to speak insultingly, harshly and unjustly to or about, revile, malign. So even though I am not trying I am hurting my family as I am supposed to love everyone as a Christian by speaking harshly about someone like the whores I mentioned. Sounds like domestic abuse to me. I am going to look at three cases of domstic abuse of whores/harlots in the Bible dealing on 3 points. In the church, in the school and in the hood.

In the book of Joshua is where I am going to expand on my point of domestic abuse in the church. In Joshua the 2nd Chapter we get introduced to Rahab the harlot/whore. In Leviticus 19:29 and 21:9 we see that in the laws that were given to Moses that being a whore was against the laws of God ( church ). But here we have Rahab who believed in the God of Israel ( Yahweh ) and was not even of  Jewish blood and was a whore decided to help them advance the kingdom of God. Rahab is in the lineage of Christ. As many bad things as I have done even in the walls of the church I should be accepting when the whore is trying to come to church and change her ways. Too many times ( thank you Apostle H. D. Wilson ) we are condemning folk when they want to change their lives but they could the next evangelist or minister in your church. We must stop the domestic abuse.

The example of being accepted into the body of believers is coming from the book of Hosea in the Bible. Hosea is instructed to marry a whore ( Gomer ) by  God to school the nation of Israel that he is tired of their sinful ways as they have turned to anything but the word of God. We as Christians look at the woman who may dancing her way thru college to pay for school and talk about that person left and right. We talk about them but while we are puffing on our cigarette or eating our 5th meal or the day or are 3rd glass of wine. We talk about them when our children are being neglected as we either are loving our computers or that man or woman ( for some it is men and women or both, I am just keeping it real so whoredom is everywhere ). If you read the whole book of Hosea you will get an education on how even in you own little world you may be a whore as well. We must stop the domestic abuse.

My last example of examples of domestic abuse of whores/harlots come in the book of Luke 7:36-50. It tells of how this whore came in a washed Jesus feet and the host of the home did not. It was Jewish custom then that when a person walked into someones home that they wash the feet of the guests who enter. This man being a Pharisee did not do that even though he clinged to the law of Moses. See sometimes a whore/harlot has a better conncection to Jesus because their circumstances call for it. In our hood we look at the whore but just look and shake our head like the Pharisee. Jesus forgave this woman sins why could he not do it now. We can see what we can do to help those who walk our streets looking for something that could be only found in God. Let us stop the domestic abuse in our hoods.

So in closing we must accept not only those who make a living lying on their back ,but the former drug dealer, the alcohlic, the former person who was a homosexual, the gambler, the person who lied on you, the thief, the backslider and any other sin I did not name. As we are Champions and Christians there are future Champions. As I look back over one more harlot I look in Genesis the 38th Chapter at Tamar. Non Jewish blood, a harlot and part of Christ lineage. Who am I to judge. Today I repent from being a domestic abuser and keep with my theme for August, I love you all. Give them a chance. We all are ex somethings. If I told you my story that could be about twenty blogs alone. Join me on blogtalk radio ( please listen to my archived shows ) Brand new week. Brand new radio. Join me as I write for Follow me on twitter @brandnewfwes and you can facebook me ( Frederick Wesley ). I really encourage comments on my blog as it will tell me where my faults are at and I also have a voting poll for my blogs. Please vote to tell me how am I doing. Join me next week for my blog tenativley called Danger is coming. To God be the glory. Have a great week. I love you all. ( P.S. I am not condoning being a whore but we must make room for them in our lives when they come to Christ ).


  1. Demetria Brand-TriplettAugust 6, 2012 at 9:12 AM

    LOVE THIS!! You hit on a few of the topics I studied over the weekend!! It is AWESOME to me the way God works! You are sooooo right about us not extending the hand needed to help pull our sisters and brothers out of a life of "obvious" whoredom. Great word! Keep allowing God to use you through your blog!!

  2. When you strive to do the Will of God there is always opposition. Use this as your strength to continue in the Faith. Your life is a ministry to those around you continue to allow your light to shine before men so that they will know of your good work and glorify your father in heaven. (DCade)

  3. I want to thank Mrs. Triplett and my lovely cousin Mrs. Cade for their kind words but I give God all the glory. I continue to pray to God that he shows me how to continue to encourage and stop the mental and verbal abuse of others.


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