Dark Room
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. Growing up we used to love to take pictures. Maybe not myself because I had a self confidence problem, but everywhere you went there was someone taking pictures. In grammar school we took pictures every week. In high school we took them every year. At church we took pictures. In the club we took pictures as a group to show we all went to a party. Most of the pictures we took were with a Polaroid camera which had great quality then. But if you wanted the best pictures you wanted the photographer to take your pictures. This was one of the coolest professions back then because all the ladies who wanted to be models or actresses had to go to the photographer to get that photo to take to the different agencies to show how they look. So in order to get the best quality the photographer had to go someplace where he could get the best results. It was his Dark Room. This is the name of this blog. ( In the video below please go to the settings button next to the CC button and place settings on 240).
( If video does not show go to settings button next to cc button and change quality to 240. My bad. )
The first thing that a person who is trained in doing pictures in a Dark Room is doing what is called pre-washing (wet ) . This process is to wet the negative film with a solution to stop many things like changing the contrast of pictures and also stopping several negatives from sticking together. In the world today ( I have people as far away as Russia reading my blogs ) we have people who still in the negative part of life. Non believers, doubters, people in a backslidden condtion and many people who have not even heard or saw what God can do. We as Christians have to pre-wash the previous people so when they come to accept Christ as their Saviour they are already pre-washed of any thing that would hinder their progress. In Isaiah 9:6 and Romans 10:9 are two solutions to pre-wash ( wet) those I mentioned above. This is the first step in the process of bringing those to Christ.
The photographer had the cool car. The photographer had the studio. And the photographer had the Dark Room. This is where he would make his money as it may have looked easy but he had various steps he had to do to make the photo come alive. That is what he had to do make the photo come alive in order for anyone to really like it and purchase it. If a person wanted any old picture they could use Kodak and take it to Walgreens and get it within days. But if a person wanted that good good pix he had to go to the photographer. I am going to discuss three points that a photographer had to go thru to get that person to loves his work. The three things are as follows; pre- washing (wet ), develop and agitate.
The next step in the Dark Room is developing the picture. To explain this I go to Dictionary.com to get the meaning of develop in a Dark Room setting when making a photograph.Developing means the following; to render visible; to treat ( an exposed film or the like ) with chemicals to render the image visible. So we have went out into the dark places in the world and have converted the backslidden, the ones who never knew about Christ, we have to render them visible so people can see the wonderful change that has come over them. How Christ has changed their lives and cirucumstances as if they were treated with a chemical to render their Christian picture visible. In the Bible there are many instances of what God can do when we are developed Christians but I will use Daniel 6:25-28 and Acts the 7th Chapter. When you are seen as being a developed Christian your can change the world. But in the Dark Room there is elements of the enemy there as well. So all of us as new Christians or old need the last part, the agitating part to complete the process.
In photography the agitation it helps speed up the devlopment process and prevents spotting or staining; it removes a very thin layer of solution and replaces it with a fresher solution. When you are a Christian you have to stay strong as the world tries to stain you pornography, premarital sex, fornication, gambling, lying, stealing and worshipping man as if they were a God. The enemy wants to get you back to your olds ways where he has control. He waits so you can do his bidding once again, to not advance the kingdom, to not be a difference maker in the areas of education, arts and entertainment, media, family, religion, government and business. We must come up with fresher solutions that the youth have as well as incorporate things of the seniors. This is how we come to the final process of making that picture. In the Bible instances of agitation is in Exodus 14:15-31 and Acts 5:29-41
You have now a few steps of working in a Dark Room. But the most important thing in a Dark Room is the light that is needed make to process the pictures. In the walk of the Christian we know that Jesus is that light. We can reference Malachi 3:1-7 and John 1:1-4. This light is how we change the areas that I mentioned before. We need to make fresher pictures and get involved with the people responsible for education in our countries. We need to use our light to change how the media portrays stories in our countries. We need to use our light to email every elected government official that is responsible for laws that hinder the progression of Christian agenda. We need the light to help the businesses that are faith based in our countries become successful and long lasting. We need the light to change family interactions with our seniors and our youth. We need the light to see the programs in the arts and entertainment area are those with faith based agendas. We need the light to break down any areas of religion to be able to accept any person or any organization that beleives in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now thats a perfect picture. Join me on twitter @brandnewfwes. On Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am a writer on thegeekchic.mag.com ( it will be released soon ). My radio show is on blog talk radio called Brand new week. Brand new attitude. Join me Friday when my blog will be called The I obeject. Have a great week.
( If video does not show go to settings button next to cc button and change quality to 240. My bad. )
The first thing that a person who is trained in doing pictures in a Dark Room is doing what is called pre-washing (wet ) . This process is to wet the negative film with a solution to stop many things like changing the contrast of pictures and also stopping several negatives from sticking together. In the world today ( I have people as far away as Russia reading my blogs ) we have people who still in the negative part of life. Non believers, doubters, people in a backslidden condtion and many people who have not even heard or saw what God can do. We as Christians have to pre-wash the previous people so when they come to accept Christ as their Saviour they are already pre-washed of any thing that would hinder their progress. In Isaiah 9:6 and Romans 10:9 are two solutions to pre-wash ( wet) those I mentioned above. This is the first step in the process of bringing those to Christ.
The photographer had the cool car. The photographer had the studio. And the photographer had the Dark Room. This is where he would make his money as it may have looked easy but he had various steps he had to do to make the photo come alive. That is what he had to do make the photo come alive in order for anyone to really like it and purchase it. If a person wanted any old picture they could use Kodak and take it to Walgreens and get it within days. But if a person wanted that good good pix he had to go to the photographer. I am going to discuss three points that a photographer had to go thru to get that person to loves his work. The three things are as follows; pre- washing (wet ), develop and agitate.
The next step in the Dark Room is developing the picture. To explain this I go to Dictionary.com to get the meaning of develop in a Dark Room setting when making a photograph.Developing means the following; to render visible; to treat ( an exposed film or the like ) with chemicals to render the image visible. So we have went out into the dark places in the world and have converted the backslidden, the ones who never knew about Christ, we have to render them visible so people can see the wonderful change that has come over them. How Christ has changed their lives and cirucumstances as if they were treated with a chemical to render their Christian picture visible. In the Bible there are many instances of what God can do when we are developed Christians but I will use Daniel 6:25-28 and Acts the 7th Chapter. When you are seen as being a developed Christian your can change the world. But in the Dark Room there is elements of the enemy there as well. So all of us as new Christians or old need the last part, the agitating part to complete the process.
In photography the agitation it helps speed up the devlopment process and prevents spotting or staining; it removes a very thin layer of solution and replaces it with a fresher solution. When you are a Christian you have to stay strong as the world tries to stain you pornography, premarital sex, fornication, gambling, lying, stealing and worshipping man as if they were a God. The enemy wants to get you back to your olds ways where he has control. He waits so you can do his bidding once again, to not advance the kingdom, to not be a difference maker in the areas of education, arts and entertainment, media, family, religion, government and business. We must come up with fresher solutions that the youth have as well as incorporate things of the seniors. This is how we come to the final process of making that picture. In the Bible instances of agitation is in Exodus 14:15-31 and Acts 5:29-41
I thoroughly your analogy of the photography process and Christianity. You brought out some good points. Very proud of you. Keep speaking your truth.
ReplyDeleteVery good, I liked it.
ReplyDeleteGreat job!!! God bless you...Amem