Laughing at You
There have been many times already in the first half of the year that the enemy has tried to suppress our laughter. In Chicago there has been a record number of violent acts that have destroyed families. In the state of Illinois there have been cuts in the areas of education, arts, entertainment and religious based programs. In the nation there has been businesses that have failed. The U.S. government is getting deeper in debt. Print media all over the country are falling victim to social media. Jobs are lost all over. In the state of Illinois the state crime lab is so backed up that some murders may be committed by the same person before the ballistics come back from the first murders. There just seems to be no hope. Its as if the enemy is doing us in slowly but surely. Looking back at some of my ancestors, my present peers and our future they laugh at the notion that God can change this situation. I look at the Bible though as a reference as how we can turn their laughter into belief and their belief into laughter.
I once again go to to look up the meaning of laughter. Laughter means as follows; the action or sound of laughter, an inner quality, mood or disposition and; an object of laughter; subject or amusement. Looking in the Bible I can relate three instances to how the world perceives the power of God today. In the beginning book of the Bible ( Genesis 18: 9-15 ) God promises to Abraham and Sarah a son but Sarah laughs but then denies she laughs. How many times have we tried to take action in the areas of education, family, religion, and the arts and heard the sound of laughter from those who do not believe or know what God can do. As we move up into the time that they are rebuilding the temple Nehemiah is being laughed at ( Nehemiah 2:19 ) for even trying such a monumental task. How many times that we exhibit inner qualities to help areas like business, media, entertainment and government and our mood has been changed to do nothing because of the dispostion of the naysayers. And finally Jesus was laughed to scorn ( Matthew 9:24 ) when he said the girl was just sleeping. How many times as believers have we been the subject or amusement to non believers. But on this day we say peachy keen, lean back and go in hard on the devil as he is the object of our laughter from this day forward.
In 1st Timothy 1:13-16 Paul writes that even not knowing and even being one of the biggest sinners that God has mercy on him. So we laugh at you Satan as your attempts to get in our finances, our jobs, our marriages, our homes, our youth, our elderly, our present, our churches, our schools, our neighborhoods, our businesses, our governments, our children's children, our ancestors, our peers, our men, our women, our clergy, our news, our arts, our entertainment and our daily lives has failed once again. The blood of Christ has made us stronger and given a spirit to laugh at the things you have tried in the past, are trying right now and will even try in the future. We are hip to your game. We are laughing at you. Have a great weekend. Join me on blogtalk radio for my archived show called Pass the Note taped this week. Once again I am on twitter @brandnewfwes. I am a writer for and my book I Slept with the Choir is available at http://publishamerica,net/product47971.html. Join me Monday as my blog will be No More. Have a great weekend.
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