Bridge Work

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. My theme for the month is Winning in July and our base scripture for the month is Joel 2:18-27. So as I was think back to when I was younger I always had a fascination or a fear of things. I was fascinated by the smell of the bakery that we used to smell as we traveled to the West Side to go to church. I was fearful of doing wrong because my parents did not spare the extension cord. I was fascinated at how much information I thought schools had on Black History. I was fearful that one day I would not achieve all my dreams. I was fascinated with comic books and baseball cards. I was fearful of my Grandfather when he drank. So this was a common theme for me but one thing I was fearful of and fascinated with was a bridge. I often wondered how the people would put their trust to walk or drive over a bridge and would love to look down and see the water as we pass over. In this blog called Bridge work I attempt to be a bridge between gaps I see in the world today.
 The history of bridges goes back a long way. The Romans in the 1st-2nd century built bridges over aqueducts. Bridges are a necessity to get around in most states and countries around the world. The word bridge is defined in as follows; a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm road or the like,; a conncecting, transitonal or intermediate route or phase between two adjacent elements, activities, conditions or the like. So as I look at these definitions I see that there needs to be some
bridgework done in the some areas across the world. Some areas are in need of more repair than other. Some bridges have been around so long that in the United States alone 12% of the current bridges need to be  replaced. So in this blog I attempt to do some bridgework. 
In the U.S there is a disconnect between the senior citizens and the youth. The seniors have little to say to the youth as they, even I when I was younger, did not listen to the seniors nor did the seniors listen to me. I was brought up in the speak when spoken to mode by my parents although I was able to express my thoughts. I often talk to Evangelist Louise Seay as she tells me about her days growing up in the south when she would pick cotton or my Dad James Wesley as he talks about raising chickens and living without electricity. History are things no matter what race, creed color or nationality you are. You can pass these on to others so your family, church, or organizational history can live even after you are gone. In Deuteronomy the 8th Chapter is a point of many in this book about passing on legacy. In Galatians the 1st Chapter is another point on bridge work. We must listen to those who have crossed the bridge.

When a bridge collapses it takes years for it to be repaired. The youth have been raised basically on television when I was growing up and now on Youtube, facebook, twitter and social media period. They have issues and points that need to be heard as well. These are future leaders in the making. They need to make their mark but not be judged. I hate to see a young man with his pants down around his butt or the young women half dressed but we have to pray for them rather than condemn them. All over the world the voice of the youth is never heard as we tend to place them in a cookie jar rather than hearing to what they have to say. In 1st Samuel 18:6-9 it tells of how a bridge collasped.In Mark 3:1-6 it tells of another bridge collaspe. When you do not understand do not condemn.

So as I try to become that bridge over the trouble waters between the seniors and the youth I want to start with just the communication part. Please parents take time to sit down with your children and listen to that Aunt, that cousin, that family friend that saw things that could be used as a blueprint for the youth as they try to make it through life.There may be opportunities for scholarship money to help pay for education. You may be related to someone who was in government and it may help your youth in that direction. You grandmother may have been someone who was an actor or a artist and your child may need to hear that. My son can pass on to his children about how I was a writer in the social media world. One of your ancestors may have been in business even if it meant selling apples on the street help offset the bills. Religion is very important in the bridge in the body of Christ as explained in Matthew 5:17. The families and communities need to be a bridge as it does take a village to raise a child. One last quote, if you do not know where you have been, you have no idea where you are going. I give God all the glory for this and all my other blogs. I pray that it blesses just one. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley, twitter @brandnewfwes, blogtalk radio ( Brand new Week, Brand new attitude ) and a writer for Join me for my next blog called  Same Song.


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