I Have Got Work To Do (Theme For 2017)
Good morning and Happy Sunday. Brand new week. Brand new year attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As I rejoin you all I took off the whole year of social media to concentrate on some work I had to do. I wanted to finish school and begin to start my Masters studies this month. That aint gonna happen. I wanted to build on the 10 chapters that I have written on my sequel to my book to self publish later this year. I know that is not going to be possible. I wanted to lose more weight and I gained more, wanted to be driving by now but I am still on the big green machine called public transportation here in Chicago and as much as much as I try I still have trouble with filtering what I say. So while these things are still not accomplished there is something I must realize. I Have Got Work To Do.
Now those things are personal things that I have to work on but God wants me to get out there and do some work as well. He has given me a vehicle to teach his Word to not only those here in America
and also worldwide. So instead of concentrating on what I have to do, the thing that I want to do this year is making sure that I am doing what he wants to do. Based on these three passages of scripture, 2017 is the year of I Have Work To Do,
As I begin this teaching of I have work to do I begin with the first base scripture of the year and that is going to come from Exodus 7:1-3. God summons Moses and tells him and Aaron are his chosen
vessels to bring the people of God out of bondage. It was not going to be easy as God made the heart of Pharaoh hard but so that the signs and wonders the people saw showed that God is the one and only God. I Have Got Work To Do.
As I continue in the Word of God for this teaching of I Have Work To Do I go the second base passages of scriptures and that will be Ezekiel 2:6-8. God comes to Ezekiel as the people of God have
be taken away from their homeland and now have begun to be in bondage. Ezekiel is chosen by God to bring the Word of God to the people of God to give them hope in a time of hopelessness. I Have Got Work To Do.
In coming to the final base passages of scripture for the year 2017 theme of I Have Got Work to Do I go to Philippians 3:12-14. As Paul writes to the church of Philippi, he urges them to press forward to
to obtain the richest prize know to man and that being able to spread the the good news about Jesus Christ. I Have Work To Do.
In closing although my personal goals are important there are more pressing things that are happening in the world. Locally there was a record number of murders where I live and if the people of God get out to do the work God will provide the signs and wonders for them to see. In America there is a divide between not only races but also denominations of churches that has allowed the enemy to flourish while the foundations of the church, the youth begin to drift away from the structure and chaotic nature of the churches. And worldwide there has be knowledge that Jesus is the best way for nations to come out of the war torn and desolate areas that they live in with little to no hope of things. Yeppers, I Have Got Work To Do. And I sure could use some help. Have the best year ever. Please join me Thursday for the theme for the month of January.
and also worldwide. So instead of concentrating on what I have to do, the thing that I want to do this year is making sure that I am doing what he wants to do. Based on these three passages of scripture, 2017 is the year of I Have Work To Do,
vessels to bring the people of God out of bondage. It was not going to be easy as God made the heart of Pharaoh hard but so that the signs and wonders the people saw showed that God is the one and only God. I Have Got Work To Do.
be taken away from their homeland and now have begun to be in bondage. Ezekiel is chosen by God to bring the Word of God to the people of God to give them hope in a time of hopelessness. I Have Got Work To Do.
In coming to the final base passages of scripture for the year 2017 theme of I Have Got Work to Do I go to Philippians 3:12-14. As Paul writes to the church of Philippi, he urges them to press forward to
to obtain the richest prize know to man and that being able to spread the the good news about Jesus Christ. I Have Work To Do.
In closing although my personal goals are important there are more pressing things that are happening in the world. Locally there was a record number of murders where I live and if the people of God get out to do the work God will provide the signs and wonders for them to see. In America there is a divide between not only races but also denominations of churches that has allowed the enemy to flourish while the foundations of the church, the youth begin to drift away from the structure and chaotic nature of the churches. And worldwide there has be knowledge that Jesus is the best way for nations to come out of the war torn and desolate areas that they live in with little to no hope of things. Yeppers, I Have Got Work To Do. And I sure could use some help. Have the best year ever. Please join me Thursday for the theme for the month of January.
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