Attacks On Your Character

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Character in January there are those who are always going to have a negative perception of you no matter what you do. You can be doing great work like try to encourage people everyday and have those who wonder what is his/her underlying motivation. Or you can be doing things like providing ministry to the less fortunate or those in prison and have those say why are they doing that when it does no good. From the clothes that you wear to the shoes on your feet to the way that you walk or talk, there will be someone who will not like. And if they do not like and do not act on it, that would be okay. But for these type of people they have only one agenda and that is to have others think the worst of you as well. These people are ones who will provoke Attacks On Your Attack.
A great example is the person who's holiday is being celebrated this weekend, Dr. Martin Luther King. He did so many great things that at times we forget about them Lately there has been words
saying abut how much a womanizer he was. So his time of being beaten by police, spit on and even eventually murdered is less important than what he MAY have done in private. So if they did that to him imagine the depths that people we know will do for the Attacks On Your Character.
So in going to Word of God for this teaching on Attacks On Your Character I go to Job 1:9-11. In this teaching Satan seeks to attack God for providing stable and many things for Job and his family. One
thing that is important here is that what Job had affected and helped many others. So when people attack you, you are not going to be the only affected. Attacks On Your Character.
As we go back to the Word of God for this teaching of Attacks On Your Character we go back to Job 1:13-19. For those who may not be familiar with this passage of scripture, Satan was allowed to go
in attack all of the possessions that Job had and also kill off all of his children.The people who attack you will do this too you and hope to see you fall and fail. Attacks On Your Character,
As We come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Attacks On Your Character we go back to Job 1:20-22. In these verses Job was hurt as any one should expect but he still looked to God
and trusted that God would make everything better. Even in those times that your enemies get the best of you, please continue to trust in God to make everything better and bigger. Attacks On Your Character.
In conclusion there will always be Attacks On Your Character, How you deal with them is the question that you need to ask yourself. Do you become one of those who attacks others characters. Do you sit as if you were a ball in a corner wanting to cry and give up. Or do you trust that despite the attack you will not only survive but thrive as well. People are going to attack. I have those who attack how these teachings are but I do the will of my Father and he blesses me immensely. So as I am prepared and have a "Oh Well" attitude about what others say about me, so should you. Attacks On Your Character are going to happen no matter what. I give God all the honor and the glory for this teaching and ask him to provide strength and knowledge to all those who may read this and are currently under some kind of Attack On Their Character. Please join me later this week for a teaching on the second base scripture of the month, John 6:64-66, called What'd You Say? Have the best week every and do something productive in the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King.


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