It's All Good

Good afternoon and Happy Saturday. As we continue in the month of Evidence in May based on Acts 4:15-17, Philippians 1:12-14 and Hebrews 11:1-3 as members of the Body of Christ there are times when we are going through some things that seem to not make any sense, especially for us. Are we not connected to God and should not his mercy take a hold in troubling times? We wonder quietly about how being a member of the Body of Christ about how God would let my home be foreclosed on when he knows I have one child graduating from high school and another child that has not reached her teens yet. We shake our head at how those who do not even acknowledge the presence of God yet seem to prosper and thrive. We see how ourselves and others are struggling with health issues and wonder why or how is this happening. Do not let these things affect for in the long run it is It's All Good.
The struggles that we go through can be seen as a light for those in the world to see that Jesus is the answer. For they are looking to see how you react to adversity, what do you do in times of strife and
where you get your resolve from when things look the bleakest. In seeing that our strength lies in Christ no matter what happens to us, they see this a way to become part of the Body of Christ. This teaching will be coming from the second base scripture of the month, Philippians 1:12-14. It's All Good.
As we begin in the Word of God for this teaching of All For The Good we begin with Philippians 1:12. In this verse the message of Christ that Paul had been preaching was stopped by the powers that
be as he was imprisoned. But that did stop the gospel from being spread, as a matter of fact it worked out for the better. Just because you are losing a house Jesus has much more for you in the end. It's All Good.
As we continue the teaching of It's All Good I go to Philippians 1:13. In this passage Paul writes that it is now evident to not only those who have him imprisoned but all of the rest that even though he is
bound by chains, that his bondage is for Christ. Yes others in the world may be doing better than you and not believe but know that while it looks bleak now it will soon be better. It's All Good.
As we come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of It's All Good we finish in Philippians 1:14. In this verse Paul tells of how confident others are not afraid to speak of Christ no
more and have gotten bolder in the face of opposition. Yes we all have health issues or know someone that does but let that have you faith abound more than ever as we know that Christ is a healer. It's All Good.
As I end this teaching I want to celebrate the fact that your adverse condition is what will make you stronger. Yes your stage play has been rejected, your ideas to begin that business or changed some of the religious practices have been laughed, your intentions to begin a school or run for government offices has been ridiculed, and your new social media site and your ways to reconnect family units has not received the proper funded that you need. It's All Good. Rejection is a way that Christ can use you to do the job that we really are here to do, bring those to Christ with our strength and testimonies. It's All Good. I am truly a witness to that. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Pleas join me Monday for a teaching called Are You Prepared. And if you have a chance go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called Everything Must God that was written by me. Have a great weekend and congrats to my baby sister Angela Michelle for receiving her Masters later on this afternoon. She will be the first to tell you, It's All Good.


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