Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It)

Good morning and Happy Saturday. As we come into the last teaching in the month of Evidence in May based on Acts 4:15-17, Philippians 1:12-14 and Hebrews 11:1-3 when I was a boy and stayed on 101st and St. Lawrence I went to a grammar school called Bennett that was approximately one mile from my house. Each day from 2nd grade to 4th grade, no matter if it was cold, warm or hot I had to walk to this school. I had a companion named Sharon L. who would walk with me each day to and from school. Our parents trusted that we could make this walk even though we could not defend ourselves from a predatory adult at the age that we were. As children we did not understand that there could have been dangers out there, we just wanted to go to school. But our parents had faith that there would nothing that would happen to us. As members of the Body of Christ we must be that Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It).
When Sharon and I began to wake up and get ready for school there was never a time that we heard do you need a ride to school. Our parents worked and the only way we would get there is to walk.
As members of the Body of Christ the world needs to see that you are willing to be that Evidence of Faith as soon as you get up and get ready. This teaching will be coming from Hebrews 11:1-3.
As we go to the Word of God to begin this teaching of Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It) I begin in Hebrews 11:1. In this verse it speaks of that faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of

things not seen. As Sharon and I got to a street called Eberhart, which was a third of the way ti school, everyday we were evidence that God was protecting our journey. Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It).
As we continue this teaching of Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It) we go back to the Word of God and to Hebrews 11:2. In this verse it tells of how those who came before us saw faith as a
as a testimony. As Sharon and I crossed the main road at King Drive which was over halfway to the school there was a crossing guard there who made sure we got across the street to continue our journey as the crossing guard was able to stop traffic. Evidence of Faith( You Gotta Have It).
As we come to the Word of God again for this teaching of Evidence of Faith (You Gotta Have It) I go to Hebrews 11:3. In this verse we see that your faith will have you understand that God created the
world and even though he is not visible to us. As Sharon and I finally cross the street called Forest and made it to Bennett even though God was present in our eyes we knew his presence was there because we finished our journey. Evidence of Faith (You Gotta Have It).
In conclusion although Sharon, myself and the other students knew that walking to Bennett school was part of our education process we did not realize that making it safely each day was an act of faith. We did not see that a new school, Wendell Smith, was being built for us and the walk would be a lot less longer and a lot less safer. And it allowed a lot of us to grow up and become successful in our lives and become examples for others. If you have a chance read Hebrews 11:4-39 to see more Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It). Have a great weekend and great job this month everyone. Of course I give God the glory and honor for this teaching. Please join me Monday for the theme of the month of June. And if you have a chance please go to Rhema Word 2.0 to see a teaching called They Will Try To Tear It Down.


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