Proof Positve

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the in the month of Evidence in May based on Acts 4:15-17, Philippians 1:12-14 and Hebrews 11:1-3 for those of you who have read my teachings for a while I once mentioned about how Mike Jones, who was my best friend, and myself where playing with my Father's gun and it went off but neither of us where hurt. But in the course of life there were so many other things that happened to me that had me question whether there was a God. Like the time that I had a good paying job with excellent benefits that allowed me to basically make my own hours but I was fired because of a letter I did not receive. Or like the time that I stayed with a female for over 11 years of my life and then she threw me away like and old rag. Or when I was evicted from my apartment. In spite of all these things I am proud to let everyone know that I am Proof Positive of better things to come.
In coming into this teaching I want to define the word proof and positive and am going to my source of definitions which is The word proof means as follows; evidence to establish a
thing is true. The word positive means as follows; explicitly states, stipulated or expressed. See I know that the stuff I came out of was not of my doing but of a greater power than myself. Proof Positive.
In going to the Word of God for this teaching of Proof Positive I go to Exodus 19:3-6. In these verses God tells the Moses to tell others that if they keep his covenant they will be above all others on the
earth. See although I lost that job I am still above all others because I am connected to God. I am evidence that establishes that God is true and I explicitly state this. Proof Positive.
As we continue this teaching of Proof Positive I go back to the Word of God and to John 9:1-11. In these verses Jesus sees man who has been blind from birth and gives him the power to see again. But
the key thing was that the man went to wash his eyes not  doubting that he would be healed. Although I was not with this lady anymore I still had evidence that establishes that Jesus is true to his word and he explicitly stipulates it. Proof Positive.
As I end the Biblical portion of this teaching I go to Hebrews 10:15-17. In these verses the writer speaks of the Holy Spirit who witnesses to us and how we can have the Word of God in our hearts
minds and are sins are remembered no more. Even though I was evicted from my apartment the Holy Spirit still was my guide and I am evidence that establishes that Holy Spirit is real this is explicitly stated by me.
In conclusion we as the Body of Christ are all Proof Positive that God, Jesus and Holy Spirit is real. We are evidence that establishes this daily. As we awaken. As we rise. As we fall. As we come into some things. As we come out of some things. As our children are covered. As our health problems disappear. As things progress in our lives. We are Proof Positive that everything will be okay. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all those who may read this. Please join me on Saturday for a teaching called Evidence is Mounting Against You. And please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called Judge Them Not, Have a great week all.


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