Projection of a Healing

Good afternoon and Happy Saturday. As we continue in the month of Reflection and Projection in December based on Psalms 121:1-6, Philippians 1:19-23 and 2nd Timothy 4:6-8 and the Year of Healing based on Jeremiah 33:6-9, Matthew 9:6-8 and Acts 28:7-9 for those of us who are living in America these are some very tense times. The failure to find either officer with the incidents that resulted in the deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Gardner have most people up in arms and protesting. There is issues in the nations capital as there has been a executive order by President Obama to allow those who are living as illegal immigrants are being allow a sort of amnesty so to speak. And even in the Republic of China there is civil unrest as the people are in a uproar on how it seems to favor the powers that be with laws on whom can run for political office. All of the world there is trouble and strife. There is one saving grace for all of these issues God is on the verge of a Projection of a Healing.
As the world seeks answers to these issues and others such as hunger, poverty, lack of finances, lack of jobs, having no resemblance of a family structure, men loving on men and women loving on
women, crime going through and the acceptance that religion traditions will pull us through has place the people of God in a present state of expecting just enough. As his people we have to expect more. Coming from the 1st  base scripture of the Year of Healing, Jeremiah 33:6-9 there is a Projection of a Healing.
As we begin this teaching on Projection of a Healing I go in the Word of God to Jeremiah 33:6. In this verse God tells Jeremiah that despite being in a position of not having power and subjective to
the ones who makes the earthly laws that the he will bring not only health but peace and truth along with the healing. This is one reason that I know that God is doing a Projection of a Healing,
In going back in the Word of God for this teaching of Projection of a Healing I go to Jeremiah 33:67-8. In this verse God tells Jeremiah he will allow those have done wrong a place to to rebuild and he
will also cleanse and pardon all. Just as the people of God were held captive back then there are some who are held in a sort of captivity in America today but God has promised them as well as all those who love him a Projection of a Healing.
As we come to the Word of God for the last verse of the base scripture of the Year of Healing and that is Jeremiah 33:9 God tells Jeremiah that once all these things are done that the name of God will
be greater than any name and any nation that is here on earth shall see how great his goodness is as well as the prosperity that comes along with this healing. Projection of a Healing.
In closing I wanted to go to the Word of God once more and Jeremiah 33:3. This verse tells of how if we call on God he will show us great and mighty things such a healing the governments of the world. healing the untruths that are spoken by the media, by healing the thought processes and open up the minds of our religious leaders who are stuck on tradition, healing how education is looked upon, healing the family structure which is very important, healing the businesses that seemed to be failing the people of God and healing your dreams in the arts and entertainment areas that are not being shared by the people of the world. Call on God. He will provide a Projection of a Healing. As always, I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask that he blesses each and every one that reads this. Please join me Monday for a teaching of Reflection of a Champion that is based on the last base scripture in the month of Reflection and Projection in December, 2nd Timothy 4:6-8. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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