To Be Or Not to Be (A Christian)
Good morning and Marvelous Monday. As we come to the final blog teaching in the month of Reflection and Projection in December based on Psalms 121:1-6, Philippians 1:19-23 and 2nd Timothy 4:6-8 as a teacher of the word of God I at times struggle with things. I am going to school and graduating from college is important to me. I am working one full-time job that at times is demanding dealing with the attitudes of some people and then seeing others whom I respect and admire being let go of constantly. I work a part-time job and see that my great customer service skills are not being recognized and it seems as they use me as they see fit. I am still not in communication with my sons, whom I love which also means I am not seeing my grandchildren. Writing these blogs for myself and even for the church is time consuming and giving a brief teaching on Facebook daily is becoming a pain. It seems like I am at a crossroads of To Be Or Not To Be ( A Christian).
To Be Or Not To Be is a quote from the play written by Shakespeare called Hamlet. Prince Hamlet is going through a lot such as the death of his Father and the marriage of his mother to the person who
murdered his father. Hamlet contemplates death and suicide with this question. There are times when this teaching the gospel makes me just want to stop and live my life. To Be Or Not To Be.
In beginning this teaching of To Be Or Not To Be I go Philippians 1:19-20. In these verses Paul writes of although he is in a prison that he will be delivered and that he will chose Christ always.
There are times that I know that Christ is with me and I want to be bold but I look at others who seem to prosper by not even believing in God and I want to quit. To Be Or Not To Be.
In going to Philippians 1:21-22 in this passage Paul writes about how being a believer of Christ is to live and even in death we as Christians gain. But it means as long as I live I have to do the work such
as teach by blogging or continuing to be part of a mentor programs. I am tired and just want to do my own thing and live my life like every one else. To Be Or Not To Be.
As I go the Word of God one final time in this teaching of To Be Or Not To Be I go to Philippians 1:23. In this verse Paul writes about receiving his heavenly reward or being here on earth. As I see
that although there are those in the world who are living and doing better than I am here on earth and may not believe in Christ the prospect of a heavenly reward far outweighs all. To Be Or Not To Be.
As I end this teaching I chose to continue to press forward and teach the Word of God through social media. This is my assignment. There are some who have a calling that is different from mine. You may be gifted enough to be a factor in the arts and entertainment world. You may be talented enough to have your business be a focal point in advancing the kingdom. There are those who can change the dynamics of the family structure, make education of Christ be their ministry. There are many who are tired as I am, who has a plate full of things like I do and who see others do well or better than them. But we have to chose to Be With Christ no matter what as eternal life and even a great life here on earth exist when we continue doing his work. To Be Or Not To Be? Which do you chose for 2015? I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all who read this. Join me Saturday for the theme for the Year 2015. Happy New Year all.
murdered his father. Hamlet contemplates death and suicide with this question. There are times when this teaching the gospel makes me just want to stop and live my life. To Be Or Not To Be.
There are times that I know that Christ is with me and I want to be bold but I look at others who seem to prosper by not even believing in God and I want to quit. To Be Or Not To Be.
as teach by blogging or continuing to be part of a mentor programs. I am tired and just want to do my own thing and live my life like every one else. To Be Or Not To Be.
that although there are those in the world who are living and doing better than I am here on earth and may not believe in Christ the prospect of a heavenly reward far outweighs all. To Be Or Not To Be.
As I end this teaching I chose to continue to press forward and teach the Word of God through social media. This is my assignment. There are some who have a calling that is different from mine. You may be gifted enough to be a factor in the arts and entertainment world. You may be talented enough to have your business be a focal point in advancing the kingdom. There are those who can change the dynamics of the family structure, make education of Christ be their ministry. There are many who are tired as I am, who has a plate full of things like I do and who see others do well or better than them. But we have to chose to Be With Christ no matter what as eternal life and even a great life here on earth exist when we continue doing his work. To Be Or Not To Be? Which do you chose for 2015? I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all who read this. Join me Saturday for the theme for the Year 2015. Happy New Year all.
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