I Am Calling You Out ( Theme for November).

Good afternoon all and Sensational Saturday. Brand new month. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we begin the this major holiday month I want to go back over themes we have had.We have Moved In January, Notifications in February  We then Marched  and then there was Don't In April  and celebrated Mothers In May. There was Fiscal Year End in June and Going Global in July. I have taught on being Visually Impaired in August and we have had Favor in September. Then we closed last month with the teachings on I'm About That Life. In Illinois and all across America there are elections for public officials. These  elections set the stage for how the country is governed. But to most people it does not mean much them and they will not vote but instead complain about how things are so messed up. We as a people of faith also complain about how things are so messed up but take little to no action. This month I Am Calling You Out.
We as a people of faith have become to passive about things how we are being governed. We became to passive about how religion continues to shackle new ideas from seeing the light of day. About how
sin is accepted as part of the everyday life. It seems at times we lost touch at what God wants us to do and in turn the world has gotten out of hand. Based on the three scriptures below this is the month of I Am Calling You Out in November.
In beginning in the Word of God for the teaching on I Am Calling You Out in November we begin in 1st Samuel 13:13-15. This passages deal with how Saul lost his kingdom due to  disobedience. As a
people of faith one of the most powerful voices we have to change the world is to vote. If this power is not used then any chance to be governed in ways God actually wants us to will never happen. I Am Calling You Out in November.
In going to second base scripture in the Word of God for the month of I Am Calling You Out in November I go to Matthew 23:25-30. The passages of these scriptures shows how Jesus, who came to
die for our sins, is calling out the scribes and the Pharisees for having religious practices take hold over doing the right thing. This is happening still today. I Am Calling You Out in November.
The last base scripture coming from the Word of God in the month of I Am Calling You Out in November I go to Hebrews 2:1-4. These scriptures remind us that we should continue to walk in the
teachings that came from Jesus himself about salvation. We cannot let the world and the sins in it become common place without doing anything and nothing. I Am Calling You Out In November.
In closing the ways of the world seem to be taking precedence of the assignments that God has for us. He wants his people to be active in government to begin things like  having prayer be part of the school curriculum again, God wants his people to not just bound by the four walls of the church and the strict religion doctrines that is imposed by some and has nothing to do with the God or his Word. And God wants us to take heed to what are his teaching so we can be able to fight the enemy and provide salvation. I am part of what is happening as well and am Calling Myself  Out as well. This is month that although extremely thankful we need to advance the Kingdom of God. I Am Calling You Out in November. I want to give God all the honor and glory for this teaching and ask him to bless those who read this teaching and those who do not as well. Please join me and other teachers of the Word of God on the Rhema Word 2.0 blog and Facebook page as well. And join me Monday for a teaching called I Am Calling Out a Healing. Have a great Sunday. God bless you all.


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