Nightmare on Elm Street ( Your Kingdom is Being Taken Away)

Good morning and Happy Saturday. As we continue in the month of I Am Calling You Out in the month of I Am Calling You Out in November based 1st Samuel 13:13-15, Matthew 23:25-30 and Hebrews 2:1-4 on last night I got sent to work in a building on a street called Elm. Once I received the call to go I begin to think about a movie series that was popular when I was growing up called Nightmare on Elm Street. In this horror movie series the character who would be doing the killing called Freddie Kruger, could not kill any one unless they had fallen asleep. As long as the characters in the movie stayed awake there could be no harm done to them. But once there drifted off to sleep Freddie would enter into their dreams and kill them in ways not thought possible. This seems to be happening to the people of faith constantly as it seems that we are asleep and God is not pleased. We are in the Nightmare on Elm Street ( Your Kingdom is Being Taken Away).
Each day there are many young people who have not sought to be educated. Each day looking at television or the movies or even music the content is mostly sexual. Each day we allow crime to be a
part of lives by simply allowing it to happen. And then we wonder why the world is all messed up. God is not happy about the way we are going about things. Living like a Nightmare on Elm Street will not do ( Your Kingdom Will Be Taken Away). This teaching will be coming from the 1st base scripture of the month, 1st Samuel 13:13-15
In beginning the Biblical portion of this teaching I begin in 1st Samuel 13:13. In this verse Samuel is upset that Saul has went ahead with a sacrifice to God when that is not what he was told to do. Many
of our youth think that education is not needed and are throwing away a great chance to become leaders of tomorrow. Instead they want the fast life. We are asleep while this happens. This is why we are in a Nightmare on Elm Street.
In continuing in the Word of God I go to 1st Samuel 13:14. In this passage of scripture Samuel tells Saul that God is seeking a man after his own heart and that God is tired and will take away his
kingdom. In our every day walk in life the art and entertainment areas are becoming sexually explicit and there is nothing being done to change this. We are asleep. This how the Nightmare on Elm Street continues.
In ending the Biblical portion of this teaching I go to 1st Samuel 13:15. In this verse after being told that his kingdom is being taken away Saul continues as if nothing happened and counted his men.
For some people of faith we watch others do things like sell drugs, sell their bodies or other things not of God and say nothing. Once again we are still asleep. Another reason for a Nightmare on Elm Street.
In conclusion God is not happy of how we are going about doing things. He is Calling Us Out to be the people who corrects the education system as well as instill in our youth that education is the best way out. He Is Calling Us Out to take a serious look at some of the things that are seen in the arts and entertainment that depicts things of sexual content and needs us to do more to rid the world of this mess. He is Calling Us Out to take back our communities and rid them of drugs which in turns leads to less violence which then will lead to a stronger family structure. It is time to wake up from the Nightmare on Elm Street before Our Kingdom will Be Taken Away forever. I give God all the and honor for this teaching. I ask him to bless those who may read and those who may not read. Please look for other teachings on from myself and others on the Rhema Word 2.0 blog including one that will be written by myself this week. Please join me for teaching on Monday called I Am Calling You Out ( Get of That Wall). Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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