Increasing In Favor

Good morning and Magnificent Monday. As we finish up the teachings in the month of Favor In September based on Exodus 3:19-21, Proverbs 8:32-35 and Luke 2:51-52 there is something I want to share with all. I work in the Security field and as a Doorman. I started off working in a high school in the south suburbs as security who saw a need to not holler at the children but give them something to grow on so I begin to give them a positive word for the day. I then went to work as security at UPS where I stood on the corner of on 14th and Union and waved to passing cars and said good morning so much that I had many regulars that looked forward to that. I went to 175 W. Jackson as a security officer and used phrases like brand new week, brand new attitude and you are will have a better than before and encouraged over 5000 people daily. In none of these situation could I mention the name of Jesus but because of him I Increased in Favor.
Before I get into the Biblical portion of this teaching I want to define the word increase and in doing so I am going to use The word increase means as follows; to make greater as in size,
number or strength. So as my growth process was beginning I had a teaching small in size but as time went by the numbers increased of who I was affecting and I was also gaining strength. I was Increasing in Favor. This teaching will be coming form the last base scripture and that is Luke 2:51-52.
In going in the Word of God for the teaching of Increase In Favor I begin in Luke 2:50. In this verse Jesus has just amazed the scholars in the town of Jerusalem ( Luke 2:41-47) by his understanding. He
was increasing his ministry in size while he was just a boy. Even though his parents did not understand what he meant in Luke 2:50, The educators in the high school did not understand what I was doing. I was Increasing In Favor.

In looking in the Word of God to continue the teaching of Increasing In Favor I go Luke 2:51. In this verse Mary sees how her son is coming into his own as it was spoken to her by the angel (Like 1;26-
38). As I was sitting on the corner of 14th and Union no matter if it rained, shined or snowed I was gaining numbers of people who needed to hear some encouragement. I was Increasing In Favor.
In coming to the last verse of this teaching of Increasing In Favor which is Luke 2:51 we see where the strength of Jesus is now coming into play as he has gained wisdom, stature and favor not only
with man but with God. As I begin to encourage the over 5000 people daily even though I had to be politically correct and not mention Jesus by name my actions showed I was gaining strength and favor with man and God. Increasing In Favor.
In closing Jesus is the head of our lives and wants us all to Increase In Favor. Your new ministry, your social media website and your faith based business can grow in size as you Increase In Favor. You can be an change agent in education and in government and see numbers grow as you Increase In Favor. You can gain strength in teaching families and having your spoken word events grow as you Increase In Favor. As Apostle H. D. Wilson has taught that we can have Heaven here on earth ( See the Lords Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13). We also have a place of rest after our days have come to an end. Increasing In Favor. I give God all the glory and the honor for the teachings of this month. Favor In September. Yes it has but with God as the head of your life, Jesus as your mediator and the Holy Spirit inside you Favor is Always. Have a great week all. Please join me Saturday for the new theme of the month.


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