Favor in a Prison ( And More)

Good  afternoon and Happy Tuesday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Favor in September based on Exodus 3:19-21, Proverbs 8:32-35 and Luke 2:51-52 I want to talk to those today that are in a position that is not of their own making. We cannot get ahead, see the finish line, and/or receive relief from the pressures we are in because of certain things. Some of us have people that continue to place blame on others because this a convenient way to justify their actions. You have some people who make decisions that benefits themselves but in doing so place others in peril. And then you have those who run roughshod over folk and then laugh at the predicament they have placed them in. These are examples of being placed in a sort jail not of or own doing. But we as people of faith must remember that even though it may not seem possible we have Favor In a Prison ( And More ).
We all are going through some things that seem to be placing us behind bars. There are those of us who stand by what believed are looked to targeted to jail or worse like in 3rd chapter of Esther.
 Some of us are telling the truth about things but are placed in a position like in Jeremiah 38:1-13. And then there are those who do not like your message and want to place you in prison to silence you like in Acts 9:23-25. But despite all of these things God grants Favor even In a Prison.
In going to the Word of God for this teaching of Favor In Prison I go Genesis 39:19-20. In this passage after Joseph is accused of messing with the Potiphar (Genesis 39:7-18 ) he was sent to a jail.
Through not fault of his own did Joseph deserve to be in a prison. The actions of another caused him to be put in this position. Some people are in a position like this but please know there is Favor In a Prison ( And More ).
In going to the Word of God I continue in Genesis 39:21-22 for this teaching on Favor In a Prison. Joseph is now in prison but God has provided a show of mercy and has given him Favor. Some folks
think that decisions such as denial of benefits, job loss and or a mortgage not being paid has placed in a prison that we cannot escape. But God will provide mercy and favor when all else seems to fail. Favor In a Prison ( And More).
In going to the Word of God to finish this teaching of Favor In a Prison I go Genesis 39:23. In this verse it tells that even though in a prison, Joseph was able to prosper. Though some may be running
roughshod over you God will allow you to prosper. To grow that business, to begin that social media site, to have an impact of family, education and government. To make a difference in the area of religion and to have your play or spoken word dreams come true. Favor In a Prison ( And More).
In closing God is there always. No matter whose actions, or decisions or who may seem to be doing us wrong, he is there. And although we can expect favor he also provides mercy and makes all that we do prosper. I am not one to blow my own horn but I am a witness. Favor In a Prison ( And More ). I ask God to bless all those who may read this and of course I give him all the glory and honor. Please join me Saturday for a teaching based on the second base scripture, Proverbs 8:32-35. Have a great week.


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